On 06/05/13 18:51, V. Armando Sole wrote:
On 06.05.2013 18:44, Phil Thompson wrote:
On Mon, 06 May 2013 18:24:59 +0200, "V. Armando Sole" <s...@esrf.fr>
On 06.05.2013 16:49, Phil Thompson wrote:
If so, is to remove it an absolute necessity?
Nothing is absolutely necessary - but I see no reason to keep the old,
verbose, error prone way of doing things.
Well, my reason is thousands of lines of well-tested code that would
have to be re-written and re-tested...
If your code is already working well with Qt4/PyQt4, why give yourself
the unnecessary hassle of porting it to Qt5/PyQt5?
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