On Saturday 30 July 2011 22:05:41 Martin Airs wrote:
> Good evening all,
> I'm trying to create a very simple chat window, with a QLineEdit at the
> bottom and a box above for the text.
> however when enter is pressed in the QLineEdit, I would like the text to be
> put into the box at the bottom just out of view, and then scrolled smoothly
> upward into view, preferably with an easing curve.
> I thought about using a QGraphicsView and QGraphicsScene and having each
> line of text as a QGraphicsSimpleTextItem or a QGraphicsTextItem whichever
> supports word wrap, that way i could put the text on the scene just out
> view.
> but then is it possible to move the whole scene up smoothly to bring the
> text into view, or would it be better to select all the items on the scene
> and move them up leaving the scene static.
> is there an even simpler way using a scrollview of some kind, or am I just
> barking up the wrong tree completely.
> I hope this doesn't sound too confusing, but I wonder if someone with a bit
> more experience than me could suggest and easy way of doing it.
> Thankyou very much in advance
> Martin

well I managed to achieve what I was after, I used a scene and 
graphicsTextItem's in the end

here's a little vid, http://airs.me.uk/Videos/chatwindow.ogv

its not 100% finished obviously, but you get the idea

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