On Saturday 30 July 2011 14:43:26 Mike Ramirez wrote:
> just curious, why aren't you using a QTextBrowser[2] for this?  looking at
> the members list, it has some scroll methods[1] and an append method which
> adds the text, and ads all the things you need to implement a modern chat
> client readonly screen.
> Mike
> [1]
> scrollContentsBy ( int, int )
> scrollToAnchor ( const QString & )
> [2]
> http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qtextbrowser-members.html

Hi Mike,

Purely for aesthetic reasons really, this is just a personal project, not 
going to be released to the public, and I wanted to go that extra mile to make 
it look nice.

no other reason than that really

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