Hi All, If you fetch 3ow9 in PyMOL, split_states to get all six of the strands, select all, then copy to object, You only get the two strands, not all six, I need all six to be duplicated into one object so I can make a long amyloid fibril. If I open the pdb file for 3ow9 in text edit and remove all the text for the individual models (and the waters), then open that file in PyMOL I get all six strands, but all the cartoon secondary structure is missing except for the two original strands. I tired running the alter command in PyMOL, it changes the secondary structure in the other objects I have open but not in this pdb. I see the Sheet entry in the pdb file but I don’t know how to duplicate and change the sheet entry so it applies to the other four strands in the file. Could someone point me to a place on the web that explains how to change the sheet entry (I’d like to learn how to do it)? or tell me how to fix this pdb file? Thanks! |
Description: Protein Databank data
H. Adam Steinberg 7904 Bowman Rd Lodi, WI 53555 608/592-2366 |
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