Does anybody have a clue what this flag (noInvalidateMMStereoAndTextType) is 

I was using openbabel to minimize a molecule and trying to figure out how it
was parameterising some nitrogens (sp2/sp3 for nitrogens is always a problem as 
both have 3 bonds) (mmff94).

I wrote out the molecule as MOL2 where there is a field for type (some form of 
potential type).
But when displayed in pymol this field was blank.

I tracked this down to this flag noInvalidateMMStereoAndTextType - when reading 
this flag
is set to 1 before the call to ObjectMoleculeMOL2SetFormalCharges which sets it 
to 0 at end of this routine.
Then at end of reading there is a call to ObjectMoleculeInvalidate(I, cRepAll, 
cRepInvAll, -1);
which blanks textType - hence display of null string.

I then tried setting text_type in a chempy model and using load_model
- from this found that noInvalidateMMStereoAndTextType is set to 0 in 
- and again the seemingly obligatory ObjectMoleculeInvalidate(I, cRepAll, 
cRepInvAll, -1);
at end of reading clobbers any input data.

For the moment Im setting the flag to 1 in CoordSetNew and commenting assigns 
to 0
- then input textType fields are displayed.

I just cant figure out what this was supposed to be doing - it just doesnt seem
right that input data of this type is being clobbered.

Thanks for any info


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