
Apologies for the confusion, but there really isn't any way to measure overall 
structural similarity in PyMOL other than pair_fit, but you have to do the work 
of explicitly stating which pairs are to be aligned.   

The pair_fit selections don't have to be identical, but they do have to 
correspond in a pairwise fashion.  In other words, you can compare any number 
of C-alpha positions so long as the same number of atomic positions are 
specified in each structure.


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Evangelidis []
Sent: Thu 10/29/2009 5:24 AM
To: Warren DeLano
Subject: Re: [PyMOL] how to get RMSD from align command
Hi Warren,

Now I am more confused. I used align command to measure the overall  
RMSD between homologous structures. Apparently align is not  
appropriate if not sufficient sequence similarity is present. I later  
came across CEalign plugin, which does structure-based  
superimposition. This command also returns an RMSD value, which  
happens to be higher for the set of homologous structures I analysed.  
Based on this I concluded that align command is more appropriate to  
measure measure structural similarity, but I'm not sure now.

My objective is to select between a small set of homologous structures  
(co-crystallized with ligands), the one with the highest structural  
similarity and use it to place a dummy ligand into one where it's  
missing. I.e. "1ebh" lacks a ligand, so I compared it with "1ebg",  
"1els", "1one", "2one", "5enl", "6enl", "7enl" which have  
co-crystallized ligands. According to both align and cealign, 5ENL is  
the most similar with overall RMSD 0.246 and 0.420907 respectively.  
The question is which command produces the best superimposition  
provided that these proteins belong to the enolase family and thus  
have high sequence and structural similarity? Based on the RMSD  
values, align does, but as you said this value pertains to only a  
subset of atoms after refinement.

Apparently pair_fit command cannot be used for my purpose as it  
requires identical selections.


> Tom,
> The complication with cmd.align() is that it is doing a whole lot  
> more than a simple alignment.  The first number is in fact the RMS,  
> but it covers only the subset of the input atoms remaining after  
> refinement is completed. The count of aligned atoms is the second  
> field.
> If you're looking for exact RMS fit values over a well-defined set  
> of atoms, try using cmd.pair_fit(sele1, sele2) instead, for example:
> load $TUT/1hpv.pdb
> create loopA, A/46-55/
> create loopB, B/46-55/
> show sticks, loop*
> print cmd.pair_fit("loopA////CA", "loopB////CA")
> Cheers,
> Warren
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Evangelidis []
> Sent: Wed 10/28/2009 8:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: [PyMOL] how to get RMSD from align command
> Simple question, it must have been answered before but couldn't find
> it so far:
> how can I get the RMSD value from the align command in a python
> script? cmd.align() returnes a tuple of 8 numbers and none of them is
> the actual RMSD value I get when I align these 2 structures manually.
> thanks,Tom
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