Thank you Adnreas.

I'm straggling with cealign now. When I run it in batch mode I get  
"Selector-Error: Invalid selection name" for certain structures, which  
in fact are very close homologs, whereas the number of RMSD values I  
get varies (sometimes 3, 5, etc). Here's the code:
query_template_chains = {
                             "1ebh" : ["1ebg", "1els", "1one", "2one",  
"5enl", "6enl", "7enl"]

for query in query_template_chains.keys():
         for template in query_template_chains[query]:
             print "Superimposing ", query, " onto ", template
   "cealign "+query+" and c. A, "+template+" and c. A")

Do you know what's wrong?


> Hey Thomas,
> if you want to use align anyway, make sure to use the quite=0 option.
> The "quiet" option (if present) is set to zero by default for parsed
> PyMOL commands, but is not set for Python API calls.
> align
> is nearly equal to
> cmd.align(quiet=0)
> Thus, if you want to get rmsd output, include quiet=0 and run your
> script with output redirection.
> Andreas
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 2:48 AM, Thomas Evangelidis  
> <> wrote:
>> Simple question, it must have been answered before but couldn't find
>> it so far:
>> how can I get the RMSD value from the align command in a python
>> script? cmd.align() returnes a tuple of 8 numbers and none of them is
>> the actual RMSD value I get when I align these 2 structures manually.
>> thanks,Tom
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