Hi Richard,
to change wall-eyed stereo figures to cross-eyed, you can simply
exchange the left and right images (in wall-eyed, the left picture is
for the left eye, the right picture for the right eye, whereas in
cross-eyed, the left picture is for the right eye and vice versa).
Warren once explained to me the two stereo angle definitions PyMOL uses.
Here is en excerpt of what he wrote:
" ...
stereo_shift is the separation between the two cameras observing the
image, expressed as a % of the distance from the objective.
stereo_angle is a scaling factor applied to the natural angular
difference which would occur between two eyes at that distance, both
looking at the objective.
Generally speaking stereo_shift is the main depth control parameter, and
stereo_angle should remain close to 2 in order to generate "correct"
stereo geometry. However, adjusting stereo_angle can reduce ghosting
and change the apparent Z location of the objective.
Detting stereo_shift to zero makes you a Cyclops (you're basically
telling PyMOL that your eyes are superimposed).
The actual translation(+/-) and rotation(+/-) of the camera at
"distance" are:
translation = distance * (stereo_shift/100)
rotation = (stereo_angle/2) * (arctan(stereo_shift/100))
(default = ± 1.2 deg)
In my ~/.pymolrc, I've put these two values for getting +/- 3 degree
rotations for hardware (quadbuffered) stereo:
set stereo_angle = 2.0
set stereo_shift = 5.24
I hope, this helps.
Best regards,
Richard Baxter wrote:
Dear All,
I used the following commands to generate a nice wall-eye stereo figure
(at least it seems to work for me):
ray 600,900,-1,-3;
png stereo_right.png
ray 600,900,-1,3;
png stereo_left.png
figures are combined in photoshop at 300dpi with an extra 5mm between,
so that images are 2 inches across separated by ~55mm.
My question, how to convert this to a cross-eye stereo figure, do I just
switch the sign of the angle, or should I also multiply/divide by some
amount? I don't understand the shift argument, how I should figure out
what value to use. Any advice greatly appreciated.
Richard Baxter
Dirk Kostrewa
Paul Scherrer Institut
Biomolecular Research, OFLC/110
CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Phone: +41-56-310-4722
Fax: +41-56-310-5288
E-mail: dirk.kostr...@psi.ch