Hi Abhi,

Actually, it was a bit surprising to me to see you're right. Now, for
showing/hiding, it has been dealt with in the code, by allowing the
"+" to be left out. However, for selecting (and alter_ing) that
doesn't go, apparently. A workaround is to use

cmd.select("selectionname","r. na\+") or
cmd.select("selectionname","n. na\+")

Alternatively, you can change the residue/atomnames using:

cmd.alter("r. na\+","resn='Na'") or cmd.alter("n. na\+","name='Na'")

All of these worked for me. Of course, it would be good to have this
dealt with properly in the same way as for showing/hiding.

Hope it helps,


On 2/2/07, Abhinav Verma <abhinav1...@gmail.com> wrote:
 I have an annoying problem. I have pdb file with Na+ atoms defined as

ATOM      1 Na+  Na+    53      -1.106   7.854  52.244  1.00  0.00         Na

now if want to select these Na+ with

PyMOL>select n. na+
 Selector: selection "sele" defined with 0 atoms.

Any ideas how to select them?

I tried renaming them to Na and then select n. na which works. So I assume
the problem is "+" which is used for add in pymol.
I also tried n. "na+" which did not work either.

thanks in advance,

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Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.
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Biomolecular NMR, Bijvoet Center
Utrecht University
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