Hi everyone, I got a odd problem with labeling:
I used: label resi 196 and name c, "%s %s" % (resn, resi) set label_color, black set label_font_id, 4 To shift the label I "shift-middle-click-drag (in 3-Button-editing-mode)" but I get a duplication of the label? When I opened another pse-file there was no duplication or if I said "hide label" it only removed the one it hasn't moved. But in the case with the more complicated stuff it either showed them double or none? What am I doing wrong? thanks Sabine This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an attachment may still contain software viruses, which could damage your computer system: you are advised to perform your own checks. Email communications with the University of Nottingham may be monitored as permitted by UK legislation.