But does this problem look like a bug ?
No, it works as intended. The issue here is that the GUI just does not (yet)
provide the capability of coloring representations, just atoms. So if you
color representations directly using a command, then you'll need to use a
command uncolor them.
At present, only a small fraction of PyMOL's capabities are directly exposed in
the user interface. The rest must be accessed through commands, scripts,
and/or Python programs. I'm not saying that is good...it is just how things
are right now.
Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist
Ok thanks,
So, a script command cannot be canceled from the GUI, but it must be
from the same kind of (another) script command.
I cannot
change the color for rendering modes I defined.
I do not understand what you mean by this.
I mean that the color, for cartoon view, is unchangeable when 'set
cartoon_color' is defined in the $HOME/.pymolrc file.
Thus, when I define 'set cartoon_color' in the
$HOME/.pymolrc file, I
cannot change the color, for the cartoons, from the GUI.
The color is kept whatever I do.
I take it that you mean that choosing the "C" box on the right-hand
menu for the object in question and then selecting a colour or
colouring scheme results in no change to your cartoon
In that case, I think that what you need to do is type:
set cartoon_color, default
Then the cartoon is not forced to be the colour that you
set (slate)
but takes on the colour of the atoms in the object.
Yes, that's it.
I know that I only have to comment or change this line.
But does this problem look like a bug ?
Sébastien Moretti
31 chemin Joseph Aiguier
13402 Marseille cedex