How do you set the resolution of the rendered frames for a movie?
With a single image I can use:
ray 2560,1920; png hiresimage.png
and 'hiresimage.png' looks good...
I see that there's a viewport command, but...
if I set viewport 2560,1920 then,
viewport 2560,1920
set ray_trace_images = 1
mpng movieimages
then, I get 'movieimages.png' images that are 2560x964 pixels (on my
system OS X, using a
1600x1024 display), which just looks goofy.
Do I have other options here?
Douglas M. Freymann
Molecular Pharmacology & Biological Chemistry
Ward 7-247, Northwestern University
303 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 503-1877 fax: (312) 503-5349