
> I've playing around once with nice movies but memory has been a problem. =
> =20
> Now I got a dual Athlon with 2Mb Ram, but didn't test it yet, I'm afraid=20
> (such server cannot stop :-).

My Dual Opteron has been rendering our scene 4 for 19 hours now. (!! &
:( ).  Scenes 1 and 2 take something like 1-2 hours total.  Scene 4's a
bit more complex.

> I'm wondering if (and that's my suggestion to you Jason) it'd be a nice=20
> idea parting you movie in several takes (as I did for the example above),=
> =20
> like "playing-as-a-director-in-a-real-movie".

This is actually what we did.  We created 4 scenes ideas and scripted
them.  We then did something like 'viewport 20, 20' and commented out
the mpng commands.  Next we played the movies through (quickly; no
rendering) and saved state(s).  So, we distributed the render process
over 3 machines.  Unfortunaly my laptop's not even strong enough to LOAD
the scenes (~100,000 atoms+movie+stored scenes) let alone render them! 
(Intel P4 w/512 MB RAM!)

Waiting my this machine render is like watching grass grow.  :(  I'm now
relegated to a simple P4 and old 1 GHz server while it renders.  :(  I'm
not even sure this task would have been tangible 3-5 years ago.

Thanks for the suggestion!


-- Jason

Jason Vertrees
BSCB Graduate Student @ UTMB, Galveston
javer...@utmb.edu :: http://www.bscb.utmb.edu

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