
You're correct: 'id' doesn't currently have the capability of selecting by
range or even using a list.  However, we can probably add that behavior in a
future version.

In the meantime, you could tap Python for the task, but it will be slow:

select myrange, none
for a in range(1000,1101):"myrange","myrange or id %d"%a)

Can you use residue identifiers instead?

select myrange, resi 100-200


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of 
> Lihua Wang
> Sent: Friday, April 02, 2004 12:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: [PyMOL] multiple atom selection by atom number
> Dear Pymol users,
> I am a new pymol explorer (not a user yet :-) and it seems to 
> me that I am not able to select multiple atoms by using the 
> atom number (or id, as pymol call it) in the PDB file. For 
> example, if I would like to select 100 atoms (of consecutive 
> atom numbers) in a polymerase, how would I do that? ("select 
> myselection, id 1000-1100" gives me an error message). I know 
> I could use combination of shift+left mouse button and/or
> cntl+left mouse button to select a bunch of atoms, but that does not 
> cntl+give
> the freedom as I would have if I could select using atom numbers.
> Thanks for your attention.
> Lihua
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