
        This is a fundamental limitation in PyMOL's current architecture...
B factors are an atomic rather than a coordinate property.  It may be
possible to address this in the future, but not yet...sorry.
        The clusy workaround is to load each PDB file into a separate object
(using a Python script), but due to memory considerations, this may not work
for large proteins and long trajectories. (Be sure to "set
static_singletons, off" if you try this).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of 
> Neema Salimi
> Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 4:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: [PyMOL] selecting individual states
> So I loaded 100 pdbs into one object, states 1-100.  I wanted 
> to color all states by their B factors, using the color_b 
> script.  When I use the script, it colors all states by the B 
> factors in state 1.  I saw a previous message with a similar 
> question about doing dss by frame and the suggestion was this:
> mset 1 -5
> mdo 1, dss state=1
> mdo 2, dss state=2
> .
> .
> .
> When I tried to run the mdo commands, the error message said 
> "Invalid arguments for the mdo command."  Can someone point 
> me on to the right track for doing things like color_b and 
> dss state-by-state?
> Neema Salimi
> Graduate Student - Agard Laboratory
> Program in Biophysics
> University of California, San Francisco
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