
        Neither transform_object or transform_selection are documented
yet, and that reflects the fact the that transformation code in PyMOL is
still immature and likely to change.

        However, for your purposes I suggest transform_selection, but be
warned that future changes may break your code at some point.

transform_selection takes a selection name, a matrix, and a 1-based
state index.  Selection can be an object name.

cmd.transform_selection(string selection,
 list-of-16-floats matrix, int state-number):

Note that matrix is NOT a standard homogenous 4x4 transformation matrix.
Instead it is something PyMOL-specific which consists of the following:

1) a 3x3 matrix containing the rotation in the upper-left quadrant 
2) a 3x1 translation to be applied before rotation in the right-hand
column (matrix[3],matrix[7],matrix[11])
3) a 1x3 translation to be applied after rotation in the bottom row

In other words, if the matrix is:

[  m0  m1  m2  m3
   m4  m5  m6  m7
   m8  m9 m10 m11
  m12 m13 m14 m15 ]

Atoms will be transformed as follows

Y = M X

y0 = m0*(x0+m3) + m4*(x1+m7) +  m8*(x2+m11) + m12
y1 = m1*(x0+m3) + m5*(x1+m7) +  m9*(x2+m11) + m13
y2 = m2*(x0+m3) + m6*(x1+m7) + m10*(x2+m11) + m14

Which is completely non-standard and confusing -- my apologies for that.
I call these things TTT matrices (translate, transform, translate) to
distinguish them from conventional 4x4's.  Note that the 3x3
transformation is backwards from what you might normally expect in C or


Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist
DeLano Scientific LLC
Voice (650)-346-1154 
Fax   (650)-593-4020

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:pymol-users-
>] On Behalf Of Tom Walsh
> Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 2:48 AM
> To:
> Subject: [PyMOL] Applying a rotation matrix to coordinates
> Hi,
>     I want to superimpose two structures using a translation vector
> rotation
> matrix. Is the transform_object() function the best way to do this?
>     Thanks,
>        Tom Walsh
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