
* cami...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk <cami...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk> [2003-04-29 14:08] 
> Hello Pymol community,
>       I'm experiencing a problem when colouring a pdb by secondary 
> structure. The colour bleeds from the ends of helices and sheets into 
> loop.
> for example, if I were to....
> color orange, a/49:52/
> color purple, a/53:55/
> color mred2, a/56:59/
> where a/49:52/ is beta strand and a/53:55/ is loop and a/56:59/  is 
> beta strand, I get bleed from the ends of the strand into the loop.

Try setting cartoon_discrete_colors to 'on' (or 1).

  set cartoon_discrete_colors, 1

or from the the "Cartoon" menu of the external GUI find "Discrete
Colors" as the last item in the menu.

Hope this helps,
Robert L. Campbell, Ph.D.                         <r...@post.queensu.ca>
Senior Research Associate                            phone: 613-533-6821
Dept. of Biochemistry, Queen's University,             fax: 613-633-2497
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6  Canada       http://adelie.biochem.queensu.ca/~rlc
    PGP Fingerprint: 9B49 3D3F A489 05DC B35C  8E33 F238 A8F5 F635 C0E2

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