Hello Pymol community,
I'm experiencing a problem when colouring a pdb by secondary
structure. The colour bleeds from the ends of helices and sheets into
for example, if I were to....
color orange, a/49:52/
color purple, a/53:55/
color mred2, a/56:59/
where a/49:52/ is beta strand and a/53:55/ is loop and a/56:59/ is
beta strand, I get bleed from the ends of the strand into the loop.
Is there any way around this to get the colors to only apply to the
defined secondary structure elements (I read in an ss_pml with
"alter... yada yada yada....") as in molscript?
I apologise if this question has been dealt with before (I have tried
to find previous messages). I imagine that this would be important to
many who would like to use pymol to make figures for publication.
Many thanks,