Dear all,

I have some questions mainly regarding command-line and python scripts in pymol:

1) How can I supply arguments to a python script, when I invoke it from the pymol command line?

2) Can I set user variables in the pymol command line and access them in a python script?

3) Can I rerun a python script and use generator functions that I initialised in the run before?

4) Can I temporarily return control to pymol from within a running a python script and continue running the script after I have finished interacting with pymol?

5) Can I query the active state of a pymol object (and other properties as well) from withing a python script?

6) How do I generate symmetry molecules for one selected state of a molecule only? I have a molecule with 144 states and generating symmetry objects for all states simultaneously takes too long time and finally crashes pymol, because all memory is used up.

7) How do I search the archived mailing list? If I go to and use the search button, I only get:
     No matches found
     for whatever search word I type in
    (I remember it working before)

Best regards,

Markus Meier
M. E. Müller Institut
Biozentrum der Universität Basel
Klingelbergstrasse 70
CH-4056 Basel
Tel.: +41 61 267 20 91
Fax: +41 61 267 21 09

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