Following question concerns Secondary Structure of hemoglobin pdb 1BZ0

If the PDB comes with HELIX information do I still need to add the
secondary structure from the web

They are different, especially at the ends of the helixes ... the web SS
seems to have longer helixes than the pdb HELIX info.  Is one more
'correct' than the other?  If I need to put in the web SS information, do
I need to remove the pdb HELIX information from the file before putting in
the HELIX info from the web?  What do the numbers in the included HELIX
info mean?

Below are snips of both HELIX info, just so you can tell what I'm talking

Included in 1BZ0.pdb:
HELIX    1   1 PRO A    4  SER A   35  1        32
HELIX    2   2 PRO A   37  TYR A   42  5         6
HELIX    3   3 ALA A   53  ALA A   71  1        19
HELIX    4   4 MET A   76  ALA A   79  1         4
HELIX   29  29 LEU D   81  ASP D   94  1        14
HELIX   30  30 PRO D  100  GLU D  121  5        22
HELIX   31  31 PRO D  124  ALA D  142  1        19

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