Many thanks for the replies. I had forgotten the import statement (Doh!).
Now working fine again.

On a different note, one of the best features of 0.86, in my humble
opinion, is the new scrolling objects list. Previously I've created
sidechain objects to toggle individual sidechains on/off with one mouse
click using the following:

        create MET1, (1/* & !n;N,C,O,H,HA,H03)"sticks","MET1")
        cmd.disable('MET1') # disable at startup

and for small proteins it's not too time consuming to cut/paste/alter a
script to do this for every sidechain in the molecule (performance is a tad
slow on my old PII/NT machine but fine on faster PCs). Now I can toggle any
sidechain on/off with one mouse click and it doesn't matter how many
objects  I have, similar to what you can do in SwissPDB viewer.

Any way my question is, can anybody think of a way to write a script that
would iterate through any pdb file and create individual objects MET1,
ALA2, ASP3... to AAn etc at the push of a scriptbox button?? My
python/scripting isn't so good but I'm learning!



Dr Chris Winfield             Lab: N317/318
Post-Doctoral Researcher      Tel: +44 (0)1179 546 324
School of Chemistry           Fax: +44 (0)1179 298 611
University of Bristol         Mob: +44 (0)7866 550 518
Cantocks Close      
Bristol BS8 1TS

--On 08 January 2003 12:24 +0100 Kristian Rother
<> wrote:

Am Dienstag, 7. Januar 2003 11:08 schrieb Chris Winfield:
Has anybody managed to get ScriptBox working under Windows with v0.86??

Yes, me at least :-)

having trouble.

Here's my checklist:

1.) Did you write an 'import ScriptBox' statement into

2.) Is really in the pmg_tk directory (OK, You mentioned
that  already)?

Hm, the people i know of had no problems further than this yet. Let me
know  whether this works.


I put in the appropriate placeplace and the following at the
end of the createMain(self) procedure in in the usual manner:


But get the following error on loading PyMol:

NameError: global name 'ScriptBox' is not defined

If anyone has any suggestions they'd be most appreciated. I like
ScriptBox a lot so do you think there's any chance of incorporating this
into PyMol either as a GUI window or as its own dropdown scripts menu
that could also list all the scripts in a given directory??



Dr Chris Winfield             Lab: N317/318
Post-Doctoral Researcher      Tel: +44 (0)1179 546 324
School of Chemistry           Fax: +44 (0)1179 298 611
University of Bristol         Mob: +44 (0)7866 550 518
Cantocks Close      
Bristol BS8 1TS

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