I was just in contact with Bronwyn Carlisle, who is having some
problems posting questions to the PyMol mailing list. He had the
following question and asked me to post it for him:
::begin B. Carlisle quote::
Also, I'd like to use POVRay to render pics, but I have POVRay for MacOS
already and don't want to lose it, and when I try to install POVRay for
XFree86 it won't do it because of the previous version. Is there any
way around this? It would be nice if Pymol would export POV files like
Swiss PDB viewer does!
And this is what he said:
cmd.get_povray() will return a tuple of strings containing PovRay input.
Just write that out to a file:
# povray.py
import string
I am not at all familiar with these sorts of commands - I have used Unix
a little but I'm mostly a Mac person and this Linux/python stuff is
totally foreign to me. So I'm not sure if I can just go
cmd.get_povray() or if I have to do the whole
import string
thing. I sort of figured that the 4 line version includes saving it to
file - but I have no idea where it would end up! And in any case I
tried both and in each case it tells me:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/pymol/modules/pymol/parser.py", line 208, in parse
File "<string>", line 1, in ?
AttributeError: get_povray
after the line containing cmd.get_povray. I am assuming that python
doesn't understand get_povray without being told to? So how do I tell
it to? Or whatever.
Bronwyn Carlisle
Biochemistry Department
University of Otago
New Zealand
Tel 64 3 479 7704
::end B. Carlisle quote::
Jacob Corn
Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease