(I'm responding to the whole list, just in case others weren't on the
list or missed Warren's info on this when he posted it a while ago)
It's actually quite easy to make 300dpi (or any other dpi) images in
PyMol. Just take the number of inches (ie - 8.5 inches) and multiply
it by the number of pixels you need in that inch (ie - 300dpi), and
that's the number of pixels you need to use for that particular
dimension when you render.
For example:
8.5x11in image at 300dpi = 2550x3300 pixels
so use the command
ray 2550,3300
to render such an image. Take note, though, that PyMol probably won't
display your rendered image, since it will be far too large to fit in
the viewing window. You can then either save the image using the GUI,
or use the "png" command (ie - "png protein.png") from the command
line. Then take this HUUUUGE image into an editor like Photoshop and
increase the image dpi from 72dpi to 300dpi. The print dimensions of
your image should end up at the desired values you calculated for.
Remember, though, that most printers won't print all the way to the
edge of a page (most leave a 0.5-1" margin between the edge of the
image and the edge of the page). If you have a good printer, it will
probably do a pretty good job of resizing the image to fit within the
margins. However, you might want to take the margins into account
when making your calculations. As always, the best way to find out
what will work best with your particular situation is
experimentation. Try it all and see what strikes your fancy the most.
I am working on making images for publication and
need to create 8.5X11in images at 300dpi resolution.
Is there a way to control the resolution and
size of images exported from pymol?
Joel M. Harp
PyMOL-users mailing list
Jacob Corn
Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease