> maybe:
> setup the first replication with an api call to target storage
> - create remotecopy vmid hostnameoftargetnode storeidoftargetnode.
>  in target vmid.conf, store something like : sourcevmid :xxx  and maybe
> sourceclusterid:xxx  (could be define somewhere in /etc/pve/... with a list of
> ip/hostname)
>  in source vmid.conf, store something like : remoteclusterid: xxx   (could be
> define somewhere n /etc/pve/...with a list of ip/hostname)
> then, when replication occur on source vm, we connect to any node of
> remoteclusterid , find the targetvmid where sourcevmid && sourceclusterid is
> defined , then do the replication to the node where targetvmid is located.

Maybe it would be easier to define replication on the target VM only? For
add something like:

replication-source: ip=,sourcevmid=123,storage=mystorage


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