>>then on source cluster, define group of host(s) of target cluster + storage.
>>maybe add login/password  or some kind of special token (we could define it 
>>in target cluster)

>>something like:

>>remotesharedstorage: targetstoreid, host= targetnode1,targetnode2 , 
>>token=xxxxx    (like this we can have a retry to targetnode2 if targetnode1 
>>is down)

>>remotelocalstorage1: targetstoreid1, host=targetnode1, token=xxxxx
>>remotelocalstorage2: targetstoreid2, host=targetnode2, token=xxxxx
>>and on source vm, define the target previously defined we want to replicate.

mmm, this will not work because we can move and delete the target vm.


setup the first replication with an api call to target storage

- create remotecopy vmid hostnameoftargetnode storeidoftargetnode.

 in target vmid.conf, store something like : sourcevmid :xxx  and maybe 
sourceclusterid:xxx  (could be define somewhere in /etc/pve/... with a list of 

 in source vmid.conf, store something like : remoteclusterid: xxx   (could be 
define somewhere n /etc/pve/...with a list of ip/hostname)

then, when replication occur on source vm, we connect to any node of 
remoteclusterid , find the targetvmid where sourcevmid && sourceclusterid is 
defined , then do the replication to the node where targetvmid is located.

----- Mail original -----
De: "aderumier" <aderum...@odiso.com>
À: "dietmar" <diet...@proxmox.com>, "pve-devel" <pve-devel@pve.proxmox.com>
Envoyé: Vendredi 21 Avril 2017 02:16:19
Objet: Re: [pve-devel] RFC V2 Storage Replica

> Could a drive-mirror not use a SSH tunnel? 

yes, we already doing it for local disk live migration. (drive-mirror to nbd 

>>I do not talk about the technical implementation. I am 
>>just unsure how to store the configuration for the 
>>remote cluster/storage. 

I think we can simply define target storage in target proxmox cluster 

then on source cluster, define group of host(s) of target cluster + storage. 
maybe add login/password or some kind of special token (we could define it in 
target cluster) 

something like: 

remotesharedstorage: targetstoreid, host= targetnode1,targetnode2 , token=xxxxx 
(like this we can have a retry to targetnode2 if targetnode1 is down) 

remotelocalstorage1: targetstoreid1, host=targetnode1, token=xxxxx 

remotelocalstorage2: targetstoreid2, host=targetnode2, token=xxxxx 

and on source vm, define the target previously defined we want to replicate. 

----- Mail original ----- 
De: "dietmar" <diet...@proxmox.com> 
À: "datanom.net" <m...@datanom.net>, "pve-devel" <pve-devel@pve.proxmox.com> 
Envoyé: Jeudi 20 Avril 2017 21:44:55 
Objet: Re: [pve-devel] RFC V2 Storage Replica 

> > But IMHO it is still unclear how to configure multi-cluster 
> > replication? Ideas welcome ... 
> > 
> Could a drive-mirror not use a SSH tunnel? 

I do not talk about the technical implementation. I am 
just unsure how to store the configuration for the 
remote cluster/storage. 

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