Hi guys,

I'm interested in contributing code/features for Proxmox, and want to know 
where to begin.
(I've already contributed with Danish translation... small thing, I know)

It's important to me to know how my code/features will be included in the 
official release, and not only as my private patches.
[Martin Maurer]
If you want to contribute code, please follow 
The important part: you need to coordinate your efforts with us before starting 
any development.

So please specify in detail what you plan to contribute.

Fx I don't want to come in a situation like Kamil where he develop a very nice 
(in my opinion) feature - differential backup - which you don't want to include 
in the release (don't know exact reason though)

I think it's a shame that features like these are not officially included in 
your releases in some way... I understand that you want to keep things simple 
and stable (or stable and simple :) ), but at least it would be nice to be able 
to fetch features like these - fx from a contribution repository, or making the 
code more modulized/pluginable, so adding features like above can be easy added 
by users.
[Martin Maurer]
It's not a "shame" that we do not integrate this, it's a feature that we 
include only code fits into the product. The way it should work is defined, but 
this guy does not followed this idea. This is ok for me but it's clear that in 
this case we will not integrate it.

Do you have a roadmap (not just the one from the wiki with 3 lines)? A wishlist?
[Martin Maurer] If you tell more about your interests and knowledge we can 
suggest you something, there are indeed a lot of to-dos.

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