Am 05.03.25 um 15:18 schrieb Fiona Ebner:
> Am 24.02.25 um 13:37 schrieb Philipp Giersfeld:
>> AMD SEV-SNP boots with a single volatile firmware image OVMF.fd via the
>> -bios option.
>> Currently, an SEV-enabled VM will not boot with an OVMF
>> firmware that was compiled with `SECURE_BOOT_ENABLE` [1].
>> Furthermore, during testing, SEV-enabled amchines did not boot with
>> Therefore, introduce a new target build-ovmf-cvm that builds OVMF
>> firmware suitable for AMD SEV.
>> [1]
> This has been merged in edk2-stable202502, which is already out now. I'd
> prefer going directly for that tag. Can we avoid splitting out the
> SMM_REQUIRE flag then?

An edk2 update is due since quite a bit already, so I'd apply your first
patch and would rebase on latest edk2-stable202502 and release that; we
can still do another bump if something else is needed while getting
feedback about the new version independent of SEV related changes already.

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