Add subroutines for asserting the content types of storages and volumes
to reduce code duplication, e.g. when implementing preconditions in an
API handler before calling vdisk_alloc.

Signed-off-by: Daniel Kral <>
changes since v1:
- moved from qemu-server to pve-storage
- add missing $node parameter to helpers
- adapt and fix wrong docs (copy paste error)
- remove `alloc_volume_disk` and `check_{volume,storage}_alloc`

 src/PVE/ | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/PVE/ b/src/PVE/
index 3b4f041..ca69cd6 100755
--- a/src/PVE/
+++ b/src/PVE/
@@ -529,6 +529,46 @@ sub parse_volume_id {
     return PVE::Storage::Plugin::parse_volume_id($volid, $noerr);
+=head3 assert_content_type_supported($cfg, $storeid, $content_type [, $node])
+Asserts whether the storage with the identifier C<$storeid>, which is defined 
in C<$cfg>, supports
+the content type C<$content_type>.
+If C<$node> is set, the assertion is made for the specified C<$node>, else for 
the current node.
+If the check fails, the subroutine will C<die> with an error message for 
either the storage being
+unavailable or the storage not supporting the specified content type.
+=head3 assert_volume_type_supported($cfg, $volid [, $node])
+Asserts whether the volume with the identifier C<$volid>, which is on a 
storage defined in C<$cfg>,
+supports the volume's content type determined by L<parse_volname>.
+If C<$node> is set, the assertion is made for the specified C<$node>, else for 
the current node.
+If the check fails, the subroutine will C<die> with an error message for 
either the storage being
+unavailable or the storage not supporting the volume's content type.
+sub assert_content_type_supported : prototype($$$;$) {
+    my ($cfg, $storeid, $content_type, $node) = @_;
+    my $scfg = storage_config($cfg, $storeid, $node);
+    die "storage '$storeid' does not support content type '$content_type'\n"
+       if !$scfg->{content}->{$content_type};
+sub assert_volume_type_supported : prototype($$;$) {
+    my ($cfg, $volid, $node) = @_;
+    my ($storeid) = parse_volume_id($volid);
+    my ($vtype) = parse_volname($cfg, $volid);
+    assert_content_type_supported($cfg, $storeid, $vtype, $node);
 # test if we have read access to volid
 sub check_volume_access {
     my ($rpcenv, $user, $cfg, $vmid, $volid, $type) = @_;

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