On 11/19/24 09:15, Lukas Wagner wrote:
On Mon Nov 18, 2024 at 2:53 PM CET, Dominik Csapak wrote:
nothing special, I tested the feature using the Home Assistant .ova from
[1]. Downloaded the OVA to my local storage, pressed "import", did not
change *any* settings apart from ticking "live import".
The import works, but the VM is not started. Starting the VM manually
works fine, also the tasks log does not show anything of concern.
In the browser network requests I saw that 'live-restore' is set to '1'
in the import POST request.
[1] https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/alternative/
mhmm can reproduce with that ova image, maybe it has something to do with our
ovf import not detecting the main disk?
(at least here it does not detect any disk)
ok two things here:
* this ova is malformed it seems, it has a HostResource of '/disk/vmidsk1' when
the spec says it should be of the form 'ovf:/disk/vmdisk1' which is what we
look for
(we could make that optional though?)
* seemingly live-import does not start the vm if there was no disk, but AFAICS
this was pre-existing and not something my series introduced (but not sure
Ah, thanks for the investigation. Maybe it'd be worth to check whether
other hypervisors accept the malformed resource definition and then add
support to PVE as well if this is the case.
actually thomas fixed that yesterday already:
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