some high level comments:

I am not sure how much we gain here with the raw support? it's a bit confusing 
to have a volid ending with raw, with the current volume and all but the first 
snapshot actually being stored in qcow2 files, with the raw file being the 
"oldest" snapshot in the chain..

if possible, I'd be much happier with the snapshot name in the snapshot file 
being a 1:1 match, see comments inline
- makes it a lot easier to understand (admin wants to manually remove snapshot 
"foo", if "foo" was the last snapshot then right now the volume called "foo" is 
actually the current contents!)
- means we don't have to do lookups via the full snapshot list all the time 
(e.g., if I want to do a full clone from a snapshot "foo", I can just pass the 
snap-foo volume to qemu-img)

the naming scheme for snapshots needs to be adapted to not clash with regular 

$ pvesm alloc extsnap 131314 vm-131314-disk-foobar.qcow2 2G
Formatting '/mnt/pve/ext4/extsnap/images/131314/vm-131314-disk-foobar.qcow2', 
fmt=qcow2 cluster_size=65536 extended_l2=off preallocation=off 
compression_type=zlib size=2147483648 lazy_refcounts=off refcount_bits=16
successfully created 'extsnap:131314/vm-131314-disk-foobar.qcow2'
$ qm rescan --vmid 131314
rescan volumes...
can't parse snapname from path at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Storage/ line 

storage_migrate needs to handle external snapshots, or at least error out. I 
haven't tested that part or linked clones or a lot of other advanced related 
actions at all ;)

> Alexandre Derumier via pve-devel <> hat am 
> 30.09.2024 13:31 CEST geschrieben:
> Signed-off-by: Alexandre Derumier <>
> ---
>  src/PVE/Storage/ |   1 +
>  src/PVE/Storage/    | 225 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
>  2 files changed, 201 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/PVE/Storage/ b/src/PVE/Storage/
> index 2efa8d5..2bef673 100644
> --- a/src/PVE/Storage/
> +++ b/src/PVE/Storage/
> @@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ sub options {
>       is_mountpoint => { optional => 1 },
>       bwlimit => { optional => 1 },
>       preallocation => { optional => 1 },
> +     snapext => { optional => 1 },
>     };
>  }
> diff --git a/src/PVE/Storage/ b/src/PVE/Storage/
> index 6444390..5e5197a 100644
> --- a/src/PVE/Storage/
> +++ b/src/PVE/Storage/
> @@ -214,6 +214,11 @@ my $defaultData = {
>           maximum => 65535,
>           optional => 1,
>       },
> +        'snapext' => {
> +         type => 'boolean',
> +         description => 'enable external snapshot.',
> +         optional => 1,
> +        },
>      },
>  };
> @@ -695,7 +700,7 @@ sub get_subdir {
>  }
>  sub filesystem_path {
> -    my ($class, $scfg, $volname, $snapname) = @_;
> +    my ($class, $scfg, $volname, $snapname, $current_snap) = @_;

see comment below

>      my ($vtype, $name, $vmid, undef, undef, $isBase, $format) =
>       $class->parse_volname($volname);
> @@ -703,7 +708,7 @@ sub filesystem_path {
>      # Note: qcow2/qed has internal snapshot, so path is always
>      # the same (with or without snapshot => same file).
>      die "can't snapshot this image format\n"
> -     if defined($snapname) && $format !~ m/^(qcow2|qed)$/;
> +     if defined($snapname) && !$scfg->{snapext} && $format !~ 
> m/^(qcow2|qed)$/;
>      my $dir = $class->get_subdir($scfg, $vtype);
> @@ -711,13 +716,22 @@ sub filesystem_path {
>      my $path = "$dir/$name";
> +    if($scfg->{snapext}) {
> +     my $snappath = get_snap_path($path, $snapname);
> +     if($snapname) {
> +         $path = $snappath;
> +     } elsif ($current_snap) {
> +         $path = $current_snap->{file};
> +     }
> +    }

see commente below

>      return wantarray ? ($path, $vmid, $vtype) : $path;
>  }
>  sub path {
>      my ($class, $scfg, $volname, $storeid, $snapname) = @_;
> -    return $class->filesystem_path($scfg, $volname, $snapname);
> +    my $current_snapshot = $class->get_current_snapshot($scfg, $storeid, 
> $volname);

this is pretty expensive, and would only be needed if $snapname is not set..

> +    return $class->filesystem_path($scfg, $volname, $snapname, 
> $current_snapshot);

couldn't we avoid extending the signature of filesystem_path and just pass the 
name of the current snapshot as $snapname?

>  }
>  sub create_base {
> @@ -1074,13 +1088,31 @@ sub volume_resize {
>  sub volume_snapshot {
>      my ($class, $scfg, $storeid, $volname, $snap) = @_;
> -    die "can't snapshot this image format\n" if $volname !~ 
> m/\.(qcow2|qed)$/;
> +    die "can't snapshot this image format\n" if $volname !~ 
> m/\.(raw|qcow2|qed)$/;
> -    my $path = $class->filesystem_path($scfg, $volname);
> +    die "external snapshot need to be enabled to snapshot .raw volumes\n" if 
> !$scfg->{snapext};

this condition is definitely wrong - it means no more snapshotting unless 
external snapshot support is enabled..

> -    my $cmd = ['/usr/bin/qemu-img', 'snapshot','-c', $snap, $path];
> +    if($scfg->{snapext}) {
> -    run_command($cmd);
> +     my $path = $class->path($scfg, $volname, $storeid);
> +
> +     my $snappath = get_snap_path($path, $snap);
> +     my $format = ($class->parse_volname($volname))[6];
> +
> +     my $cmd = ['/usr/bin/qemu-img', 'create', '-b', $path,
> +                '-F', $format, '-f', 'qcow2', $snappath];

see comments on qemu-server, but.. wouldn't it be better if the file with $snap 
in its name would be the one storing that snapshot's data? i.e., rename the 
"current" volume to be called ...-$snap... , and then create a new "current" 
file without a suffix with the renamed volume as backing file?

> +
> +     my $options = "extended_l2=on,";
> +     $options .= preallocation_cmd_option($scfg, 'qcow2');
> +     push @$cmd, '-o', $options;
> +     run_command($cmd);
> +
> +    } else {
> +
> +     my $path = $class->filesystem_path($scfg, $volname);
> +     my $cmd = ['/usr/bin/qemu-img', 'snapshot','-c', $snap, $path];
> +     run_command($cmd);
> +    }
>      return undef;
>  }
> @@ -1091,19 +1123,39 @@ sub volume_snapshot {
>  sub volume_rollback_is_possible {
>      my ($class, $scfg, $storeid, $volname, $snap, $blockers) = @_;
> +    if ($scfg->{snapext}) {
> +     #technically, we could manage multibranch, we it need lot more work for 
> snapshot delete

would multibranch be easier if there is a simple 1:1 correspondence between 
snapshots and their filenames?

switching to a different part of the "hierarchy" is then just
- delete current volume
- create new current volume using rollback target as backing file

I guess deletion does become harder then, since it potentially requires 
multiple rebases..

> +     my $path = $class->filesystem_path($scfg, $volname);
> +     my $snappath = get_snap_path($path, $snap);
> +
> +     my $snapshots = $class->volume_snapshot_info($scfg, $storeid, $volname);
> +     my $currentpath = $snapshots->{current}->{file};
> +     return 1 if !-e $snappath || $currentpath eq $snappath;
> +
> +     die "can't rollback, '$snap' is not most recent snapshot on 
> '$volname'\n";
> +    }
> +
>      return 1;
>  }
>  sub volume_snapshot_rollback {
>      my ($class, $scfg, $storeid, $volname, $snap) = @_;
> -    die "can't rollback snapshot this image format\n" if $volname !~ 
> m/\.(qcow2|qed)$/;
> +    die "can't rollback snapshot this image format\n" if $volname !~ 
> m/\.(raw|qcow2|qed)$/;
> -    my $path = $class->filesystem_path($scfg, $volname);
> +    die "external snapshot need to be enabled to rollback snapshot .raw 
> volumes\n" if $volname =~ m/\.(raw)$/ && !$scfg->{snapext};
> -    my $cmd = ['/usr/bin/qemu-img', 'snapshot','-a', $snap, $path];
> +    my $path = $class->filesystem_path($scfg, $volname);
> -    run_command($cmd);
> +    if ($scfg->{snapext}) {
> +     #simply delete the current snapshot and recreate it
> +     my $snappath = get_snap_path($path, $snap);
> +     unlink($snappath);
> +     $class->volume_snapshot($scfg, $storeid, $volname, $snap);

this *reads* so weird ;) it is right given the current semantics (current 
snapshot == live image, snapshot data actually stored in parent snapshot)

> +    } else {
> +     my $cmd = ['/usr/bin/qemu-img', 'snapshot','-a', $snap, $path];
> +     run_command($cmd);
> +    }
>      return undef;
>  }
> @@ -1111,17 +1163,50 @@ sub volume_snapshot_rollback {
>  sub volume_snapshot_delete {
>      my ($class, $scfg, $storeid, $volname, $snap, $running) = @_;
> -    die "can't delete snapshot for this image format\n" if $volname !~ 
> m/\.(qcow2|qed)$/;
> +    die "can't delete snapshot for this image format\n" if $volname !~ 
> m/\.(raw|qcow2|qed)$/;
> +
> +    die "external snapshot need to be enabled to delete snapshot of .raw 
> volumes\n" if !$scfg->{snapext};
>      return 1 if $running;
> -    my $path = $class->filesystem_path($scfg, $volname);
> +    my $cmd = "";
> +    if ($scfg->{snapext}) {
> +
> +     my $snapshots = $class->volume_snapshot_info($scfg, $storeid, $volname);
> +     my $snappath = $snapshots->{$snap}->{file};
> +     return if !-e $snappath;  #already deleted ?
> +
> +     my $parentsnap = $snapshots->{$snap}->{parent};
> +     my $childsnap = $snapshots->{$snap}->{child};
> +        die "error: can't find a parent for this snapshot" if !$parentsnap;
> -    $class->deactivate_volume($storeid, $scfg, $volname, $snap, {});
> +     my $parentpath = $snapshots->{$parentsnap}->{file};
> +     my $parentformat = $snapshots->{$parentsnap}->{'format'} if $parentsnap;
> +     my $childpath = $snapshots->{$childsnap}->{file} if $childsnap;
> +     my $childformat = $snapshots->{$childsnap}->{'format'} if $childsnap;
> -    my $cmd = ['/usr/bin/qemu-img', 'snapshot','-d', $snap, $path];
> +     print "merge snapshot $snap to $parentsnap\n";
> +     $cmd = ['/usr/bin/qemu-img', 'commit', $snappath];
> +     run_command($cmd);
> +
> +     #if we delete an intermediate snapshot, we need to link upper snapshot 
> to base snapshot
> +     if($childpath && -e $childpath) {
> +         die "missing parentsnap snapshot to rebase child $childpath\n" if 
> !$parentpath;
> +         print "link $childsnap to $parentsnap\n";
> +         $cmd = ['/usr/bin/qemu-img', 'rebase', '-u', '-b', $parentpath, 
> '-F', $parentformat, '-f', $childformat, $childpath];
> +         run_command($cmd);
> +     }

wouldn't a regular safe rebase work just as well, instead of commit + unsafe 
rebase? if there is no parent, passing in "" as "new" backing file should work..

> +
> +     #delete the snapshot
> +     unlink($snappath);
> +    } else {
> +     my $path = $class->filesystem_path($scfg, $volname);
> -    run_command($cmd);
> +     $class->deactivate_volume($storeid, $scfg, $volname, $snap, {});
> +
> +     $cmd = ['/usr/bin/qemu-img', 'snapshot','-d', $snap, $path];
> +     run_command($cmd);
> +    }
>      return undef;
>  }
> @@ -1140,10 +1225,6 @@ sub volume_has_feature {
>      my ($class, $scfg, $feature, $storeid, $volname, $snapname, $running, 
> $opts) = @_;
>      my $features = {
> -     snapshot => {
> -         current => { qcow2 => 1 },
> -         snap => { qcow2 => 1 },
> -     },
>       clone => {
>           base => { qcow2 => 1, raw => 1, vmdk => 1 },
>       },
> @@ -1159,11 +1240,23 @@ sub volume_has_feature {
>           base => { qcow2 => 1, raw => 1, vmdk => 1 },
>           current => { qcow2 => 1, raw => 1, vmdk => 1 },
>       },
> -     rename => {
> -         current => {qcow2 => 1, raw => 1, vmdk => 1},
> -     },
> +     'rename' => {
> +         current => { qcow2 => 1, raw => 1, vmdk => 1},
> +     }
>      };
> +    if ($scfg->{snapext}) {
> +     $features->{snapshot} = {
> +             current => { raw => 1, qcow2 => 1 },
> +             snap => { raw => 1, qcow2 => 1 },
> +     }
> +    } else {
> +     $features->{snapshot} = {
> +             current => { qcow2 => 1 },
> +             snap => { qcow2 => 1 },
> +     };
> +    }
> +

this could just leave $features as it is, and add the "raw" bits:

if ($scfg->{snapext}) {
    $features->{snapshot}->{current}->{raw} = 1;
    $features->{snapshot}->{snap}->{raw} = 1;

>      if ($feature eq 'clone') {
>       if (
>           defined($opts->{valid_target_formats})
> @@ -1222,7 +1315,9 @@ sub list_images {
>       }
>       if ($vollist) {
> -         my $found = grep { $_ eq $volid } @$vollist;
> +         my $search_volid = $volid;
> +         $search_volid =~ s/-snap-.*\./\./;
> +         my $found = grep { $_ eq $search_volid } @$vollist;
>           next if !$found;
>       }
> @@ -1380,7 +1475,53 @@ sub status {
>  sub volume_snapshot_info {
>      my ($class, $scfg, $storeid, $volname) = @_;
> -    die "volume_snapshot_info is not implemented for $class";
> +    die "volume_snapshot_info is not implemented for $class" if 
> !$scfg->{snapext};
> +
> +    my $path = $class->filesystem_path($scfg, $volname);
> +
> +    my ($vtype, $name, $vmid, $basename, $basevmid, $isBase, $format) = 
> $class->parse_volname($volname);
> +
> +    my $basevolname = $volname;
> +    $basevolname =~ s/\.(raw|qcow2)$//;
> +
> +    my $snapshots = $class->list_images($storeid, $scfg, $vmid);
> +    my $info = {};
> +    for my $snap (@$snapshots) {
> +
> +     my $volid = $snap->{volid};
> +     next if ($volid !~ m/$basevolname/);

this regex is broken w.r.t. partial matching!

e.g., if a VM has both a disk -1.qcow2 and -11.qcow2 and I attempt to snapshot 
it using external snapshots:

snapshotting 'drive-scsi0' (extsnap:131314/vm-131314-disk-0.raw)
fmt=qcow2 cluster_size=65536 extended_l2=on preallocation=off 
compression_type=zlib size=200704 
 backing_fmt=raw lazy_refcounts=off refcount_bits=16
snapshotting 'drive-scsi1' (extsnap:131314/vm-131314-disk-1.qcow2)
fmt=qcow2 cluster_size=65536 extended_l2=on preallocation=off 
compression_type=zlib size=2147483648 
backing_fmt=qcow2 lazy_refcounts=off refcount_bits=16
snapshotting 'drive-scsi2' (extsnap:131314/vm-131314-disk-11.qcow2)
/mnt/pve/ext4/extsnap/images/131314/vm-131314-disk-11-snap-test2.qcow2: Error: 
Trying to create an image with the same filename as the backing file
snapshot create failed: starting cleanup
merge snapshot test2 to test
Image committed.
merge snapshot test2 to base
Image committed.
TASK ERROR: command '/usr/bin/qemu-img create -b 
/mnt/pve/ext4/extsnap/images/131314/vm-131314-disk-11-snap-test2.qcow2 -F qcow2 
-f qcow2 /mnt/pve/ext4/extsnap/images/131314/vm-131314-disk-11-snap-test2.qcow2 
-o 'extended_l2=on,preallocation=off'' failed: exit code 1 

> +
> +     my (undef, $snapvolname) = parse_volume_id($volid);
> +     my $snapname = get_snapname_from_path($volid);
> +     my $snapfile = $class->filesystem_path($scfg, $snapvolname, $snapname);
> +     $snapname = 'base' if !$snapname;
> +
> +     my $format = $snap->{'format'};
> +     my $parentfile = $snap->{parent};
> +     my $parentname = get_snapname_from_path($parentfile) if $parentfile;
> +     $parentname = 'base' if !$parentname && $parentfile;
> +
> +     $info->{$snapname}->{file} = $snapfile;
> +     $info->{$snapname}->{volid} = $volid;
> +     $info->{$snapname}->{'format'} = $format;
> +     $info->{$snapname}->{parent} = $parentname if $parentname;
> +     $info->{$parentname}->{child} = $snapname if $parentname;
> +    }
> +
> +    my $current = undef;
> +    for my $id (keys %$info) {
> +     my $snap = $info->{$id};
> +     die "error: snap $id: you can't have multiple current snapshot:  
> current:$current\n" if !$snap->{child} && $current;
> +     $current = $id if !$snap->{child};
> +    }
> +
> +    if ($current) {
> +     $info->{current}->{file} = $info->{$current}->{file};
> +     $info->{current}->{'format'} = $info->{$current}->{'format'};
> +     $info->{current}->{parent} = $info->{$current}->{parent};
> +    }
> +
> +    return $info;
>  }
>  sub activate_storage {
> @@ -1764,4 +1905,38 @@ sub config_aware_base_mkdir {
>      }
>  }
> +sub get_snap_path {
> +    my ($path, $snap) = @_;
> +
> +    my $basepath = "";
> +    my $baseformat = "";
> +    if ($path =~ m/^((.*)(vm-(\d+)-disk-(\d+)))(-snap-(.*))?\.(raw|qcow2)/) {

this regex is wrong - volumes can have arbitrary names after the -disk- part..

> +     $basepath = $1;
> +     $baseformat = $8;
> +    }
> +    my $format = $snap ? 'qcow2' : $baseformat;
> +    my $snappath = $snap ? $basepath."-snap-$snap.$format" : undef;
> +
> +    return $snappath;
> +}
> +
> +sub get_snapname_from_path {
> +    my ($path) = @_;
> +
> +    if ($path =~ m/^((.*)(vm-(\d+)-disk-(\d+)))(-snap-(.*))?\.(raw|qcow2)/) {

here as well.. and this whole helper is just used twice in 
volume_snapshot_info, maybe it could be inlined or made private 

> +     my $snapname = $7;
> +     return $snapname;
> +    }
> +    die "can't parse snapname from path";
> +}
> +
> +sub get_current_snapshot {
> +    my ($class, $scfg, $storeid, $volname) = @_;
> +    #IMPROVE ME: faster way to find current snapshot? (search the most 
> recent created snapshot file ? need to works with lvm volume too)
> +
> +    return if !$scfg->{snapext};
> +    my $snapshots = $class->volume_snapshot_info($scfg, $storeid, $volname);
> +    return $snapshots->{current};
> +}
> +
>  1;
> -- 
> 2.39.2

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