Since VZDump/ in guest-common doesn't declare that it has an
option 'id', this is unused anyway and the auto-inject logic wouldn't

Alternatively, the 'id' option could be added in VZDump/ (as
optional, because existing jobs.cfg don't contain the id as a property
within the section), but it would lead to the id being written to the
section in write_config, which is not nice at all as the id is already
in the header.

Signed-off-by: Fiona Ebner <>
 src/PVE/Job/ | 13 -------------
 1 file changed, 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/PVE/Job/ b/src/PVE/Job/
index 32e0272..03bed5e 100644
--- a/src/PVE/Job/
+++ b/src/PVE/Job/
@@ -18,14 +18,6 @@ use base qw(PVE::SectionConfig);
 my $defaultData = {
     propertyList => {
        type => { description => "Section type." },
-       # FIXME: remove below? this is the section ID, schema would only be 
checked if a plugin
-       # declares this as explicit option, which isn't really required as its 
available anyway..
-       id => {
-           description => "The ID of the job.",
-           type => 'string',
-           format => 'pve-configid',
-           maxLength => 64,
-       },
        enabled => {
            description => "Determines if the job is enabled.",
            type => 'boolean',
@@ -66,11 +58,6 @@ sub parse_config {
        my $data = $cfg->{ids}->{$id};
        my $type = $data->{type};
-       # FIXME: below id injection is gross, guard to avoid breaking plugins 
that don't declare id
-       # as option; *iff* we want this it should be handled by section config 
-       if ($defaultData->{options}->{$type} && exists 
$defaultData->{options}->{$type}->{id}) {
-           $data->{id} = $id;
-       }
        $data->{enabled}  //= 1;
        $data->{comment} = PVE::Tools::decode_text($data->{comment}) if 

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