Am 08/09/2022 um 11:55 schrieb Dominik Csapak:
> updates to the code for flutter 3.3 and includes some fixes & improvements
> i included aarons patches from december to make it easier to apply
> the changes necesseary for flutter 3.3 are
> proxmox-login-manager: 2/3
> pve-flutter-frontend: 2/10 - 6/10
> patches after that are only fixes & improvements
> (so stricly not necessary for flutter 3.3)
> i noticed some other things too, but for now this should be ok:
> e.g. we have quite some widgets/code that are not in use currently
> (from tims desktop variant AFAIR), maybe we should remove them
> for now (or move it to another repo if we want to use them)
> since then we could better use 'flutter analyze'
> (now these widgets/files make much noise to the point where it's hard
> to see which warnings/infos are even relevant for the app)

I'd like to have a layout for desktop/tablets with a always visible, 
resoure-tree like
panel at the side, but no high priority for such things and some widgets may be 

> proxmox-login-manager:
> Aaron Lauterer (1):
>   login_form: keep Continue button above Android softnav
> Dominik Csapak (2):
>   migrate from FlatButton to TextButton
>   improve colors of login screen
>  lib/proxmox_login_form.dart | 288 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------
>  lib/proxmox_tfa_form.dart   |  11 +-
>  2 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 143 deletions(-)
> pve-flutter-frontend:
> Aaron Lauterer (1):
>   avoid elements hiding behind Android softnav buttons
> Dominik Csapak (9):
>   increase compileSdkVersion to 32
>   fix null handling in MainActivity.kt
>   move to OutlinedButton from OutlineButton
>   move to TextButton from FlatButton
>   move to ElevatedButton from RaisedButton
>   improve colors for indicator/toggles
>   fix typo Opague -> Opaque
>   fix guest backup widget start display
>   fix options view when ostype is null
>  android/app/build.gradle                      |   2 +-
>  .../app/pve_flutter_frontend/MainActivity.kt  |   2 +-
>  lib/main.dart                                 |  14 +
>  lib/pages/main_layout_slim.dart               |   2 +-
>  .../firstWelcomeScreen/pve_welcome_faq.dart   |  10 +-
>  .../firstWelcomeScreen/pve_welcome_last.dart  |  26 +-
>  lib/widgets/pve_cd_selector_widget.dart       |   7 +-
>  lib/widgets/pve_console_menu_widget.dart      |   4 +-
>  lib/widgets/pve_first_welcome_screen.dart     |  32 +-
>  lib/widgets/pve_guest_backup_widget.dart      | 157 ++++-----
>  lib/widgets/pve_lxc_options_widget.dart       | 140 ++++----
>  lib/widgets/pve_main_navigation_drawer.dart   |   4 +-
>  lib/widgets/pve_qemu_options_widget.dart      | 259 +++++++-------
>  lib/widgets/pve_qemu_overview.dart            | 319 +++++++++---------
>  .../pve_qemu_power_settings_widget.dart       | 178 +++++-----
>  .../pve_subscription_alert_dialog.dart        |   2 +-
>  .../pve_task_log_expansiontile_widget.dart    |   4 +-
>  17 files changed, 602 insertions(+), 560 deletions(-)

applied, thanks!

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