Am 08/06/2022 um 17:34 schrieb Stefan Hrdlicka:
> It is possible to set the number of spares and the size of
> data stripes via draidspares & dreaddata parameters.

looks functional but din't test it, some api design suggestions and small style 

> Signed-off-by: Stefan Hrdlicka <>
> ---
>  PVE/API2/Disks/ | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
>  1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
> diff --git a/PVE/API2/Disks/ b/PVE/API2/Disks/
> index eeb9f48..571bc90 100644
> --- a/PVE/API2/Disks/
> +++ b/PVE/API2/Disks/
> @@ -299,12 +299,28 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
>           raidlevel => {
>               type => 'string',
>               description => 'The RAID level to use.',
> -             enum => ['single', 'mirror', 'raid10', 'raidz', 'raidz2', 
> 'raidz3'],
> +             enum => [
> +                 'single', 'mirror',
> +                 'raid10', 'raidz', 'raidz2', 'raidz3',
> +                 'draid', 'draid2', 'draid3',
> +             ],
>           },
>           devices => {
>               type => 'string', format => 'string-list',
>               description => 'The block devices you want to create the zpool 
> on.',
>           },
> +         draiddata => {
> +             type => 'integer',
> +             minimum => 1,
> +             optional => 1,
> +             description => 'The number of data devices per redundancy 
> group. (dRAID)',
> +         },
> +         draidspares => {
> +             type => 'integer',
> +             minimum => 0,
> +             optional => 1,
> +             description => 'Number of dRAID spares.',
> +         },

I'd like above two to be a single format string parameter to avoid bloating the 
API too much
with specialized/context-dependent params.

my $draid_config_format = {
    spares => {
        type => 'integer',
        minimum => 0,
        description => 'Number of dRAID spares.',
    data => {

(note that I made the format options non-optional by design).

'draid-config' => {
    type => 'string',
    format => $draid_config_format,
    optional => 1,

could be also more generically named than draid specific, but I don't see that
many settings in the same spirit still coming in the future.
FWIW, we could also deprecate raidlevel and use a new "raid" named parameter 
with "type" + the
above config keys as parameter, but that's creeping up the scope of this a bit 
too much, can
also be something for a next major version.

>           ashift => {
>               type => 'integer',
>               minimum => 9,
> @@ -339,6 +355,8 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
>       my $devs = [PVE::Tools::split_list($param->{devices})];
>       my $raidlevel = $param->{raidlevel};
>       my $compression = $param->{compression} // 'on';
> +     my $draid_data = $param->{draiddata};
> +     my $draid_spares = $param->{draidspares};
>       for my $dev (@$devs) {
>           $dev = PVE::Diskmanage::verify_blockdev_path($dev);
> @@ -354,6 +372,9 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
>           raidz => 3,
>           raidz2 => 4,
>           raidz3 => 5,
> +         draid => 3,
> +         draid2 => 4,
> +         draid3 => 5,
>       };
>       # sanity checks
> @@ -366,6 +387,22 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
>       die "$raidlevel needs at least $mindisks->{$raidlevel} disks\n"
>           if $numdisks < $mindisks->{$raidlevel};
> +     # draid checks
> +     if ($raidlevel =~ m/^draid/) {
> +         # bare minimum would be two drives:
> +         # one parity & one data drive this code doesn't allow that because
> +         # it makes no sense, at least one spare disk should be used
> +         my $draidmin = $mindisks->{$raidlevel} - 2;
> +         $draidmin += $draid_data if $draid_data;
> +         $draidmin += $draid_spares if $draid_spares;
> +
> +         die "At least $draidmin disks needed for current dRAID config\n"
> +             if $numdisks < $draidmin;
> +     } else {
> +         die "draidspares and/or draiddata set without using dRAID"
> +             if ($draid_spares or $draid_data);

style nit, parenthesis are not required for such simple post-if and we
more commonly use `||` over `or`

> +     }
> +
>       my $code = sub {
>           for my $dev (@$devs) {
>               PVE::Diskmanage::assert_disk_unused($dev);
> @@ -402,6 +439,11 @@ __PACKAGE__->register_method ({
>               }
>           } elsif ($raidlevel eq 'single') {
>               push @$cmd, $devs->[0];
> +         } elsif ($raidlevel =~ m/^draid/) {
> +             my $draid_cmd = $raidlevel;
> +             $draid_cmd .= ":${draid_data}d" if $draid_data;
> +             $draid_cmd .= ":${draid_spares}s" if $draid_spares;
> +             push @$cmd, $draid_cmd, @$devs;
>           } else {
>               push @$cmd, $raidlevel, @$devs;
>           }

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