comments inline

On 7/22/21 15:06, Lorenz Stechauner wrote:
Signed-off-by: Lorenz Stechauner <>
  www/manager6/window/UploadToStorage.js | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1 file changed, 32 insertions(+)

diff --git a/www/manager6/window/UploadToStorage.js 
index fb9850b3..0b4d991a 100644
--- a/www/manager6/window/UploadToStorage.js
+++ b/www/manager6/window/UploadToStorage.js
@@ -130,6 +130,18 @@ Ext.define('PVE.window.UploadToStorage', {
            vm.set('size', (fileInput.files[0] && 
Proxmox.Utils.format_size(fileInput.files[0].size)) || '-');
            vm.set('mimetype', (fileInput.files[0] && fileInput.files[0].type) 
|| '-');
+       hashChange: function(field) {
+           const checksum = Ext.getCmp('downloadUrlChecksum');

since we already have a controller, please use 'reference' instead
of id, and 'this.lookup' instead of Ext.getCmp

+           if (field.getValue() === '__default__') {

the second parameter of the change event is the value, so you
could omit the call to getValue here..

+               checksum.setDisabled(true);
+               checksum.setValue("");
+               checksum.allowBlank = true;

is this correct? wouldn't it be

checksum.setAllowBlank ?

also why set that in the first place? just leave it
set to 'false'. Disabled fields will not get submitted
or calculated on form validation anyway

+           } else {
+               checksum.setDisabled(false);
+               checksum.allowBlank = false;
+           }
+       },
items: [
@@ -184,6 +196,26 @@ Ext.define('PVE.window.UploadToStorage', {
                        value: '{mimetype}',
+               {
+                   xtype: 'pveHashAlgorithmSelector',
+                   name: 'checksum-algorithm',
+                   fieldLabel: gettext('Hash algorithm'),
+                   allowBlank: true,
+                   hasNoneOption: true,
+                   value: '__default__',
+                   listeners: {
+                       change: 'hashChange',
+                   },
+               },
+               {
+                   xtype: 'textfield',
+                   name: 'checksum',
+                   fieldLabel: gettext('Checksum'),
+                   allowBlank: true,
+                   disabled: true,
+                   emptyText: gettext('none'),
+                   id: 'downloadUrlChecksum',
+               },
                    xtype: 'progressbar',
                    text: 'Ready',

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