On 21/04/2021 16:29, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
On 21.04.21 13:15, Stefan Reiter wrote:
...such as proxmox-file-restore.

For public interface I'd rather see a separate sub, like:


and ideally not even that would be required from an external POV, i.e., why want
to avoid to expose a general run_something command here, a clear interface, like
you add then for most (all?) things like file_restore_extract, 
..., is in general better (when thinking anti-spaghetti-no-check code).

This is not part of a public interface though? Both functions that now support the 'binary' argument are declared private...

Any yes, that is why I added extra functions for the restore specific functionality.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Reiter <s.rei...@proxmox.com>

Fixes indentation where "binary =>" is added.

  src/PVE/PBSClient.pm | 20 ++++++++++++--------
  1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/PVE/PBSClient.pm b/src/PVE/PBSClient.pm
index f05471c..857cff0 100644
--- a/src/PVE/PBSClient.pm
+++ b/src/PVE/PBSClient.pm
@@ -139,8 +139,9 @@ my sub do_raw_client_cmd {
my $use_crypto = $USE_CRYPT_PARAMS->{$client_cmd}; - my $client_exe = '/usr/bin/proxmox-backup-client';
-    die "executable not found '$client_exe'! Proxmox backup client not 
+    my $client_exe = (delete $opts{binary}) || 'proxmox-backup-client';
+    $client_exe = "/usr/bin/$client_exe";
+    die "executable not found '$client_exe'! Proxmox backup client or file restore 
not installed?\n"
        if ! -x $client_exe;
my $scfg = $self->{scfg};
@@ -193,22 +194,25 @@ my sub run_raw_client_cmd {
my sub run_client_cmd {
-    my ($self, $client_cmd, $param, $no_output) = @_;
+    my ($self, $client_cmd, $param, $no_output, $binary) = @_;
my $json_str = '';
      my $outfunc = sub { $json_str .= "$_[0]\n" };
+ $binary //= 'proxmox-backup-client';
      $param = [] if !defined($param);
      $param = [ $param ] if !ref($param);
$param = [@$param, '--output-format=json'] if !$no_output; do_raw_client_cmd(
-        $self,
-        $client_cmd,
-        $param,
-        outfunc => $outfunc,
-        errmsg => 'proxmox-backup-client failed'
+       $self,
+       $client_cmd,
+       $param,
+       outfunc => $outfunc,
+       errmsg => "$binary failed",
+       binary => $binary,
return undef if $no_output;

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