Hi Henrik,

first of all, thanks for your answer.

El mar., 6 nov. 2018 a las 20:12, Henrik Lindberg (<
henrik.lindb...@puppet.com>) escribió:

> > $dirs = ['static','media','photos']
> > $proxy = $dirs.reduce([ { 'path' => '/', 'url' =>
> > "http://localhost:${port}/"; } ]) |$memo, $value| { $memo + [ { 'path'
> =>
> > "/$value/", 'url' => '!' } ] }
> > notify { "MemoOut: $proxy" : ;}
> >
> > If I puppet apply the above code the output looks like:
> Avoid having  notify with a title containing [ ] - it can get very
> confusing. Use a title like "testing", and set the message instead.

Ok, thanks. Then:
 notify {"test $name" :
    message => "static_served: ${apache[static_served]}",
 defined 'message' as 'static_served: [static]'

*I need to enclose the hash in curly braces otherwise it shows the whole
hash like:*
defined 'message' as 'Message {enable => true, servername => application,
static_served => [static]}[static_served]'

You give the reduce an array with a hash in it, and you then append to
> that array with an array containing a hash. The result will be an
> array where each element is a hash.

Yes, exaclty. That's what I need (if I have not missunderstood it) to pass
tot he proxy_pass parameter in the apache forge module:

 proxy_pass => [
    { 'path' => '/a', 'url' => 'http://backend-a/' },
    { 'path' => '/b', 'url' => 'http://backend-b/' },


> > I make this an array using any2array (array un puppet 5) so I can still
> > call the reduce function::
> >
> > $var=(Array("${apache['static_served']}"))
> >
> > so the /reduce /line now looks like:
> >
> You are asking Array to create an array out of a string. It will
> construct that as an array where each element is a single character string.

Ah, ok, cause I'm passing the first element of the array and not the array
to the Array function? and this is becasue of the quoting, right?

You probably wanted
> $var = Array($apache['static_served'])

> > $_proxy_pass = $var.reduce([ { 'path' => '/', 'url' =>
> > "http://localhost:${port}/"; } ]) |$memo, $value| { $memo + [ { 'path'
> =>
> > "/$value/", 'url' => '!' } ] }
> >
> > And here is where everythiong starts to make even less sense:
> >
> You are now performing a reduce based on a sequence of single character
> strings. This is indeed confusing as you have already gone off the road.

So, at the end it was as simple as calling the reduce function like:

(I as using a more larger hiera data and, in the very first application,
the static_serverd array was empty, so reduce was failling all the time
cause the array was empty... Damn!!

now the code looks like:

if $apache['static_served'] {
    $_proxy_pass =  $apache['static_served'].reduce([ { 'path' => '/', 'url'
=> "http://localhost:${port}/"; } ]) |$memo, $value| { $memo + [ { 'path' =>
"/$value/", 'url' => '!' } ] }
   $_proxy_pass =  [ { 'path' => '/', 'url' => "http://localhost:${port}/";
} ]
  notify { "PROXY: $name" :
    message => $_proxy_pass,

But the reduce is now not working:

Notice: {"path"=>"/", "url"=>"http://localhost:56902/"}
Notify[PROXY: application]/message: defined 'message' as {
  'path' => '/',
  'url' => 'http://localhost:56902/'

what am I doing wrong now?

BTW, I find the hash notation/manipulation a little confusing... According
to https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/5.4/lang_data_hash.html it must be as
simple as:


And quotes should be used in "keys" when they are strings, but in the above

$var = Array($apache['static_served'])

 you are quoting the $value when it's a array and not a string...

what is the generic rule for quoting in hashes?

Hope this helps you get back on track.
> - henrik

Thanks again!

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