Hi all,

I'm using puppet 5.3.

I'd like to build proxy_pass array of hashes using the *reduce *puppet
built-in function  <https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/5.5/function.html#reduce>and
picking the values from a nested hash in hiera.

I first played a little bit with the reduce function:

$dirs = ['static','media','photos']
$proxy = $dirs.reduce([ { 'path' => '/', 'url' => "http://localhost:
${port}/" } ]) |$memo, $value| { $memo + [ { 'path' => "/$value/", 'url' =>
'!' } ] }
notify { "MemoOut: $proxy" : ;}

If I puppet apply the above code the output looks like:

Notice: MemoOut: [{path => /, url => http://localhost:189/}, {path =>
/static/, url => !}, {path => /media/, url => !}, {path => /photos/, url =>
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[default]/Notify[MemoOut: [{path => /, url =>
http://localhost:189/}, {path => /static/, url => !}, {path => /media/, url
=> !}, {path => /photos/, url => !}]]/message: defined 'message' as 'MemoOut:
[{path => /, url => http://localhost:189/}, {path => /static/, url => !},
{path => /media/, url => !}, {path => /photos/, url => !}]'

*To my eyes this is an array of hashes, and that's what I need to pass to
the apache vhost define.*

So, now I want to pick the array (list of directories) from a nested hash
in hiera that look like:

      enable: true
      servername: application
        - static

I have a define that picks the above hash.... The array with the list of
directories becomes "${apache['static_served']}" inside teh define.
I can print it using notice ${apache['static_served']}":

Notice: static_served: application [static]

This looks like an array but *is_array *says that this is *not *an array
And this is my first question, why it is not an array anymore?

I make this an array using any2array (array un puppet 5) so I can still
call the reduce function::


so the *reduce *line now looks like:

$_proxy_pass =  $var.reduce([ { 'path' => '/', 'url' => "http://localhost:
${port}/" } ]) |$memo, $value| { $memo + [ { 'path' => "/$value/", 'url' =>
'!' } ] }

And here is where everythiong starts to make even less sense:

If I print the output (using notice $_proxy_pass and )  and I get a weird

Notice: /Stage[main]/.../Python::Virtualenv[application]/Notify[PROXY_PASS:
[{path => /, url => http://local
host:11080/}, {path => /[/, url => !}, {path => /s/, url => !}, {path => /t/,
url => !}, {path => /a/, url => !}, {path => /t/, url => !}, {path => /i/,
url => !},
 {path => /c/, url => !}, {path => /]/, url => !}]]/message: defined
'message' as 'PROXY_PASS: [{path => /, url => http://localhost:11080/},
{path => /[/, url => !
}, {path => /s/, url => !}, {path => /t/, url => !}, {path => /a/, url =>
!}, {path => /t/, url => !}, {path => /i/, url => !}, {path => /c/, url =>
!}, {path => /
]/, url => !}]'

reduce is taking all letters from "static" instead of 'static" as the first
(an uniqe) element from the array....

Later, in my code, I configure the proxy_pass in the apache:vhost like:

apache::vhost { "${apache['servername']}":
        proxy_pass     => "$_proxy_pass",

But, in the apache file, the proxy pass parameters  looks like

 ProxyPass path url
 ProxyPassReverse path url
 ProxyPass path url
 ProxyPassReverse path url

So it's picking the keys from the hashes in the above array of hashes and
not the values.

I don't understand what is going on. Any help will be appreciated.


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