
check this ticket.  https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PUP-6723

It is hard to explain, but the 'and' a resource collector does niot behave like 
the 'boolean and' as we expect this.



-----Original message-----
From: jcbollinger <john.bollin...@stjude.org>
Sent: Thursday 13th September 2018 15:50
To: Puppet Users <puppet-users@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [Puppet Users] Re: Exported resource realized by resource collector, 

On Wednesday, September 12, 2018 at 3:20:12 PM UTC-5, Julio Guevara wrote:
So I'm working with puppet 5.5.1 and I have encountered what I think is a bug.

So on my site.pp i have the following line for ordering my firewall rules:

if $::kernel == 'Linux' {
# Make sure every firewall rule not pre or post is created in the middle
Firewall <| tag != 'pre' and tag != 'post' |> {
before +> Class['profiles::fw_rules::post'],
require +> Class['profiles::fw_rules::pre'],
Then on another class I'm doing the following (This is a class for a postgresql 
@@firewall { "222 tcp:5432 pgpool from ${::ipaddress}/32" :
action => 'accept',
source => "${::ipaddress}/32",
dport => '5432',
proto => 'tcp',
tag => [ $tag, 'postgresql_client' ],
On the postgresql servers I do:
# Grab all firewall rules created for this cluster
Firewall <<| tag == $tag and tag == 'postgresql_client' |>>

I would expect that the rule to only appear on the postgresql server, but what 
ends up happening is that the rule is realized on both the server and the 

On the documentation for resource collector 
Collectors realize virtual resources, are used in chaining statements, and 
override resource attributes. 

on that very same page we have the following for exported resource collectors:
An exported resource collector uses a modified syntax that realizes exported 
resources and imports resources published by other nodes.

Have anybody else found a similar issue?

I do not recall encountering this issue myself, but I concur that I expect 
ordinary resource collectors to not collect exported resources, no matter what 
node declares them.  Although exported resources and exported resource 
collectors are both syntactically and semantically analogous to virtual 
resources and ordinary resource collectors, they are and have always been 
distinct.  The documentation presents no reason to think otherwise, and in fact 
generally supports that position, though I am unaware of any place where it 
states it in so many words.

Therefore, if indeed it is the case that an ordinary resource collector is 
collecting exported resources, then I concur that that constitutes a bug, and a 
fairly serious one at that.  I suggest you file a bug report.

Do note, however, that in the event that an exported resource is collected for 
a given target node via an exported resource collector, I do expect that for 
all intents and purposes it is then treated as an ordinary resource, and in 
particular, that it ordinary collectors will then affect it with respect to 
parameter overrides and chaining (in the scope of the current catalog building 
job).  The thing that ordinary collectors ought not to do with respect to 
exported resources is import them.


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