Hi !

First of all , thank you for your help.

I don´t understand a puppet behaviour with a elasticsearch puppet module. 
It´s probably that my lack of experience wirh puppet is the cause.

   - Module version: Elastic Search 6.3.1
   - Puppet version: 5.5
   - OS and version: CentOS 7.5

I have deployed a elasticsearch 6.3.1 development cluster with 3 nodes via 
puppet. It has also been installed a search guard 
"search-guard-6:6.3.1-23.0" through puppet. To activate search guard plugin 
in dev environment , I have used two scripts included in this plugin, 
"install_demo_configuration.sh" and "sgadmin_demo.sh". These scripts, add 
certain configurations lines to elasticsearch.yml. Every time puppet agent 
request the catalog in these machines ,the elasticsearch.yml is overwritten 
according to the configuration of the manifest, and search guard doesn´t 
work. This also causes elasticsearch service to stop working. The 
elasticsearch manifest that we have used to install elasticsearch and 
search guard plugin :

include ::java

class profile::elk6::elasticsearch {

$config_hash ={ 'ES_HEAP_SIZE' => "$esheapsize", 'MAX_LOCKED_MEMORY' => 
"unlimited" }
    class { '::elasticsearch':
        version          => $version,
        status           => 'enabled',
        manage_repo      => true,
        datadir          => $datadir,
        config           => {
          'cluster.name' => $clustername,
          'network.host' => $::ipaddress_eth0,
          'node.data' => $isdatanode,
          'node.master' => $ismaster,
          'discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts'=> $esmasters,
          'discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes'=> 2,
          'http.port' =>  9200,
          'http.cors.allow-origin' => "/.*/",
          'http.cors.enabled' =>  true,
          'http.cors.allow-headers' => "Authorization, X-Requested-With, 
Content-Type, Content-Length",
          'http.cors.allow-credentials' => true
 #         'bootstrap.unlockall' => 'true'
        init_defaults => $config_hash,


elasticsearch::plugin { 'com.floragunn:search-guard-6:6.3.1-23.0':
     instances  => 'esmaster',
elasticsearch::instance { 'es-01': }

# checks if ES is available on localhost
 es_instance_conn_validator { "es$::ipaddress_eth0" :
  server => $::ipaddress_eth0,
  port   => '9200',


When the elasticsearch.yml is overwritten and search guard causes that 
elasticsearch service to stop working , the log shows:

"java.lang.IllegalStateException: failed to load plugin class 
"Caused by: org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException: 
searchguard.ssl.transport.keystore_filepath or 
searchguard.ssl.transport.pemkey_filepath must be set if transport ssl is 

¿Is it possible to add the configurations lines for search guard plugin in 
the puppet manifest and avoid this behavior? ¿Is there a mistake in my 
puppet manifest?

Regards and thanks in advance!

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