
Perhaps I can tackle this a different way. As mentioned in my original post 
I used the Ubuntu 14 Puppet DB package on Ubuntu 16 because Ubuntu no 
longer provided a PuppetDB package for Xenial. It's Java so as long as the 
schema is unchanged it should still work, right? So has the schema changed 
between PuppetDB 2.3.8 and the version of PuppetDB that would most commonly 
accompany Puppet 5.4.x? If someone knowledgeable could let me know, or 
provide the schema conversion SQL then I could do that until a more elegant 
fix is provided by Puppet themselves. I couldn't find any files that looked 
like they provided the schema or schema conversion within the source code 


On Thursday, June 14, 2018 at 10:01:14 AM UTC+10, Simon Tideswell wrote:
> See also 
> https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/projects/PDB/issues/PDB-3938?filter=allissues
> .
> Hello
> The instructions here 
> https://puppet.com/docs/puppetdb/5.2/install_from_source.html don't 
> actually work! I'm doing this on Ubuntu 18 (Bionic). I've installed *lein* 
> from the Ubuntu 18 packages rather than pulling it down from github (in 
> case that is relevant).
> When performing this step ...
> *lein with-profile ezbake ezbake stage*
> I get the response (after some time) of ...
> *"Could not transfer metadata 
> puppetlabs:puppetdb:5.3.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to snapshots 
> (https://artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net/artifactory/list/clojure-snapshots__local/
> <https://artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net/artifactory/list/clojure-snapshots__local/>):
> Connect to artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net:443 
> <http://artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net:443> 
> [artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net/ 
> <http://artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net/>] failed: 
> Connection timed out (Connection timed out)*
> *Failed to retrieve remote metadata 
> puppetlabs:puppetdb:5.3.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml: Could not transfer 
> metadata puppetlabs:puppetdb:5.3.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to 
> snapshots 
> (https://artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net/artifactory/list/clojure-snapshots__local/
> <https://artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net/artifactory/list/clojure-snapshots__local/>):
> Connect to artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net:443 
> <http://artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net:443> 
> [artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net/ 
> <http://artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net/>] failed: 
> Connection timed out (Connection timed out)*
> *Error encountered performing task 'ezbake' with profile(s): 'ezbake'*
> *Failed to retrieve remote metadata 
> puppetlabs:puppetdb:5.3.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml: Could not transfer 
> metadata puppetlabs:puppetdb:5.3.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to 
> snapshots 
> (https://artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net/artifactory/list/clojure-snapshots__local/
> <https://artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net/artifactory/list/clojure-snapshots__local/>):
> Connect to artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net:443 
> <http://artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net:443> 
> [artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net/ 
> <http://artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net/>] failed: 
> Connection timed out (Connection timed out)"*
> Indeed the output is correct, *https://artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net 
> <https://artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net>*, is inaccessible from any 
> of the networks I've tried, and has been so for a number of days.
> Are there instructions that will work for Joe Average anywhere, i.e. 
> someone who does not have access to that host and who isn't a Java *maven* 
> (seems more appropriate than the word *guru* in this instance)? On Ubuntu 
> 16 the OS distributor provides a pre-rolled package for puppetdb. Perhaps 
> Canonical are unable to provide a package on Ubuntu 18 for PuppetDB for 
> similar reasons to me (namely inaccessible sources)?
> Thanks, Simon.

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