Simon Tideswell <> writes:

> No, I'm not trying to do anything fancy. I just wanted to use PuppetDB on a 
> Ubuntu 18 server so that I can access the data with PuppetBoard. I can see 
> that Canonical provided a package for PuppetDB on U14. I actually used the 
> same Package on a U16 server with good results. But the U14 and U16 servers 
> were running Puppet 3.8.x. Now that I'm using Puppet 5 on U18 I thought it 
> was high time that I used a newer PuppetDB package. Canonical don't provide 
> one, there doesn't appear to be one at and the 
> instructions for compiling from source are broken, so I was a bit stuck. 
> It's not a high priority, but I find PuppetBoard useful (from a sysadmin 
> perspective).

I just noticed something that might be relevant from your earlier
message, and I'll plan to investigate Monday and get back to you, but in
any case, if you'd like an interim fix, and are comfortable just running
puppetdb directly, you should be able to do this:

  lein uberjar

and then run puppetdb directly:

  java -cp target/puppetdb.jar clojure.main \
    -m puppetlabs.puppetdb.core services \
    -c your-config-file

Of course you might also want to add some jvm heap arguments, etc.

And unless the data's not very important, I'd suggest sticking with
checkouts of releases, i.e. "git checkout 5.2.2" (before you build the
uberjar) etc.

Hope this helps
Rob Browning

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