On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 5:17 AM, Jonathan Gazeley <
jonathan.gaze...@bristol.ac.uk> wrote:

> $staticifs = lookup({"name" => "::network::if::static", "value_type" =>
> "hash", "default_value" => "default"})

The failure implies that it cannot find a value for `network::if::static`
but your request is for `::network::if::static`. It may be trying to
normalize it and failing in an unexpectedly fatal manner; I'd try without
the `::` prepend (even if that's not the actual fix, it's the right format
for the request). It could also be confused between "hash" and 'Hash' which
is the actual type name. Finally, your default value is a String rather
than a Hash, not sure if it would explicitly complain about that when
falling back to the default or just decide it failed and give you that 'did
not find a value' result.

You could also try rewriting your query as `lookup('network::if::static',
Hash, unique, {default => true})` (or whatever you want your default hash
to look like) to clarify that the hash format isn't causing any issues or

Since you are without a functioning puppetserver, you may want to get on
irc or slack for some realtime assistance.

Rob Nelson

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