Hi folks,
Yesterday we migrated wholesale from Puppet 3.8 to Puppet Enterprise
2016.5 and we're having horrendous problems with Hiera. The fault is
partly ours because our Hiera data is old and not properly organised (it
doesn't use automatic parameter lookup everywhere).
In Puppet 3, we were using the hiera() function everywhere in the
manifests. I've rewritten them using lookup() but I can't get the
behaviour I want.
One of our modules looks in Hiera for various types of networking config
and then passes them to razorsedge/network using create_resources.
It seems to work when the objects exist in Hiera but fails when the
object does not exist (e.g. because not all our servers have
network::bond::static interfaces). The following code fails at line 3,
even though I've set a default value.
$bondslaves = lookup('network::bond::slave')
$bondmasters = lookup('network::bond::static')
$staticifs = lookup({"name" => "::network::if::static",
"value_type" => "hash", "default_value" => "default"})
$routes = lookup('network::route')
# Now create the resources
if is_hash($bondslaves) {
create_resources('network::bond::slave', $bondslaves)
if is_hash($bondmasters) {
create_resources('network::bond::static', $bondmasters)
if is_hash($staticifs) {
create_resources('network::if::static', $staticifs)
if is_hash($routes) {
create_resources('network::route', $routes)
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on
SERVER: Server Error: Function lookup() did not find a value for the
name 'network::if::static' on node xxx.bris.ac.uk
I appreciate that we're doing it an odd way, and rewriting our module
data is on the roadmap for modernising. However, can someone please help
me get this up and running as-is with as few changes as possible? We are
currently without a functioning puppetserver.
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