Hello James, my answers are the following:

*Has the solaris 10 VM run a "puppet agent -t" and is has had it's SSL certificate signed by the master? Yes, the VM actually employed part of the module that I wrote already, it just has not created the /home/wsf29221 homedir.

*If so, have you moved beyond a basic Hello World module?* I don't know how to answer this question other than ask if my prior response answers your questions.

*If so, have you classified that solaris 10VM in the PE Console? Yes, I have classified the solaris 10VM in the PE Console.
*If so, do you have output of the puppet agent run on the solaris 10 VM where it it is failing?
Perform the following on the solaris 10 VM:  puppet agent -t --verbose
I ran the command, puppet agent -t (forgot the --verbose switch) and it took a very long time to do anything; and it technically didn't complete after 5 minutes. Here are the results... Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will continue:
Warning: Connection refused - connect(2) for "puppet" port 8140
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts.d]: Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': Connection refused - connect(2) for "puppet" port 8140 Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/facts.d]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve file metadata for puppet:///pluginfacts: execution expired
Info: Retrieving plugin
Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib]: Failed to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': execution expired Error: /File[/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/lib]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve file metadata for puppet:///plugins: execution expired
Info: Loading facts
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: execution expired
Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
Error: Could not send report: execution expired

*Have you considered running the puppet client agent on the solaris 10 VM locally, as in without speaking to the master server, via a:** puppet apply --noop**
**A "puppet apply" requires the sidedoor code to be on the solaris 10VM**
*I did perform a smoke-test, but only on the Puppet Master; and I couldn't remember how to fake the OS during the smoke-test. Can I copy the directory structure from my CentOS Puppetmaster over to some directory in my Solaris10 client and run the smoke test there? Is that what you are saying?

I ran the following, after copying the module directory structure over to the Solaris10 VM:
root@puppet-solaris10:/tmp> puppet apply --noop /tmp/sidedoor/tests/init.pp
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, Could not find class ::sidedoor for puppet-solaris10.home at /tmp/sidedoor/tests/init.pp:12:1 on node puppet-solaris10.home
Thanks for the help James,

On 6/4/2016 1:18 AM, James Pryor wrote:
Has the solaris 10 VM run a "puppet agent -t" and is has had it's SSL certificate signed by the master?
If so, have you moved beyond a basic Hello World module?

If so, have you classified that solaris 10VM in the PE Console?

If so, do you have output of the puppet agent run on the solaris 10 VM where it it is failing?
Perform the following on the solaris 10 VM:
puppet agent -t --verbose

Have you considered running the puppet client agent on the solaris 10 VM locally, as in without speaking to the master server, via a:
puppet apply --noop
A "puppet apply" requires the sidedoor code to be on the solaris 10VM


On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 12:55 AM, Warron French <warron.fre...@gmail.com <mailto:warron.fre...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I have posted this twice and haven't gotten any replies on my
    questions.  Are my questions confusing?

    It's kind of weird that there hasn't been any replies at all on
    this post.  None!

    On 6/2/2016 10:31 PM, warron.french wrote:

    I have created, a Puppet Module using PE-2015.2.

    The module is called Sidedoor (as opposed to backdoor) and the
    intent is to do the following (as I am evolving it):

     1. Create a system-group with GID=300, and ensure it is in place,
     2. Create a user (mine for example) with starting UID=(300 +
        serial of userID {starting at 1...n})

    Here is my current manifests/init.pp (and I am not ready for
    senior level programming input/best practices yet),
    *# Class: sidedoor
    # ===========================
    class sidedoor {

    #  Create a Group for the localusers to be added to.

        group { 'sidedoor':
          ensure => 'present',
          system => 'true',
          gid    => '300',

        user { 'wsf29221':
          ensure           => 'present',
          forcelocal       => 'true',
          password         =>
          password_max_age => '180',
          password_min_age => '0',
          gid              => '300',
          uid              => '301',
          comment          => 'Sidedoor_Acct-Warron',
          managehome       => 'true',
          home             => '/home/wsf29221',
          shell            => '/bin/bash',

        file { '/home/wsf29221':
          ensure   => 'directory',
          owner    => '301',
          group    => '300',
          mode     => '0750',
          source   => [ "puppet:///modules/sidedoor/files/wsf29221", ],


    *I believe I am not getting the file resource built correctly
    (yet). * The code above *doesn't properly work on a Solaris 10
    x86 VM* that I have at all; it doesn't even try for some reason,
    but _more importantl_y, it d_oesn't create the homedi_r for the
    user's account, _even though the managehom__e_ attribute is being

    I have this module written (and tested from)
    /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules, and I
    purposely created the wsf29221 user account and it's home
    directory with matching user-attributes to generate a
    /home/wsf29221 directory; then I copied that subdirectory into

    Can someone please help me get the directory creation/population
    portion of this module working?

    I am trying to learn how to write modules; not necessarily best
    practices yet.


    Warron French

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