I have created, a Puppet Module using PE-2015.2.

The module is called Sidedoor (as opposed to backdoor) and the intent is to
do the following (as I am evolving it):

   1. Create a system-group with GID=300, and ensure it is in place,
   2. Create a user (mine for example) with starting UID=(300 + serial of
   userID {starting at 1...n})

Here is my current manifests/init.pp (and I am not ready for senior level
programming input/best practices yet),
*sidedoor/manifests/init.pp: *# Class: sidedoor
# ===========================
class sidedoor {

#  Create a Group for the localusers to be added to.

    group { 'sidedoor':
      ensure => 'present',
      system => 'true',
      gid    => '300',

    user { 'wsf29221':
      ensure           => 'present',
      forcelocal       => 'true',
      password         =>
      password_max_age => '180',
      password_min_age => '0',
      gid              => '300',
      uid              => '301',
      comment          => 'Sidedoor_Acct-Warron',
      managehome       => 'true',
      home             => '/home/wsf29221',
      shell            => '/bin/bash',

    file { '/home/wsf29221':
      ensure   => 'directory',
      owner    => '301',
      group    => '300',
      mode     => '0750',
      source   => [ "puppet:///modules/sidedoor/files/wsf29221", ],


*I believe I am not getting the file resource built correctly (yet). * The
code above *doesn't properly work on a Solaris 10 x86 VM* that I have at
all; it doesn't even try for some reason, but *more importantl*y, it d*oesn't
create the homedi*r for the user's account, *even though the managehom**e*
attribute is being set.

I have this module written (and tested from)
/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules, and I purposely
created the wsf29221 user account and it's home directory with matching
user-attributes to generate a /home/wsf29221 directory; then I copied that
subdirectory into

Can someone please help me get the directory creation/population portion of
this module working?

I am trying to learn how to write modules; not necessarily best practices


Warron French

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