On 5/22/16 3:41 AM, Alex Samad wrote:

just starting out with puppet.
I found
this http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/1/wiki/Puppet_Version_Control
old page

talks about checking /etc/puppet into svn.

But on my centos install I have /etc/puppetlabs/puppet

do I add /etc/puppetlabs or /etc/puppetlabs/puppet to svn and if the
later what about my codedir ?

I have one of the largest SVN backed Puppet systems. It's painful, slows us down, and we're getting off it this quarter. Finally.

If you don't have much dev experience, the idea that each branch exists as a set of files in SVN initially sounds great. However the inability to split work off into branches both short and long lived starts to take its toll. Also tooling it hard, can't push a branch for someone else to check out. You end up having "scratch space" for tests that eventually have to be merged. It makes it hard to do sweeping changes as scratch space has to encompass it all at least in most schemes I've observed.

I'm sure there are ways around some of the problems, but git based branch development is ridiculously good with minimal investment. That said git will seem like more work than you'd like when you have one or two people working on the codebase. I never appreciated till I was on a larger team.

Answering the other question, I recommend starting with /etc/*puppetwhatever*/environments/{production|stage|etc}/ as releasses of your src control rather than deploying directly to /etc/puppetlabs/ from src control.


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