On 23/05/16 02:44, Alex Samad wrote:

I was at the last puppet (sydney ) users group. heard r10k mentioned a lot.

Also I got the impression that git was more closely integrated with puppet.

Should I be l looking at git ?

Absolutely. The only reason to use SVN would be if you are in an organization where SVN is used everywhere, you know it well, or company has a policy to only use SVN. (SVN is old school centralized source code control management).

In every other case: use git.

You are also right in that git is more closely integrated with git, or rather, git enables you to do certain things more easily. Parts of puppet enterprise are more closely integrated with git.

- henrik


On 23 May 2016 at 10:40, Henrik Lindberg <henrik.lindb...@puppet.com> wrote:
On 22/05/16 12:41, Alex Samad wrote:


just starting out with puppet.
I found
this http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/1/wiki/Puppet_Version_Control
old page

talks about checking /etc/puppet into svn.

But on my centos install I have /etc/puppetlabs/puppet

do I add /etc/puppetlabs or /etc/puppetlabs/puppet to svn and if the
later what about my codedir ?

You probably want to use the project r10k to manage your
manifests/configurations that are stored in a source code control

Here is the page that explains a bit about r10k and SVN:

There is also lots of material available on r10k itsef that is easy to find
if you google for it.

- henrik


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