
On 20/10/2015 23:06, yi zhao wrote:
so we have a few template setup under my_module/templates/

and I write someting in init.pp

  $db_setup_home = "$dbnamehome/dbs/create_$dbname"
     file { "$db_setup_home/create_pre_rac_setup_$dbname.sh":
     ensure => 'file',
     content => template("${module_name}/create_pre_rac_setup.sh.erb"),
     mode => '0644',
     owner => 1001,
     group => 1000,

    file { "$db_setup_home/run_this_rac_$dbname.sh":
     ensure => 'file',
     content => template("${module_name}/run_this_rac.sh.erb"),
     mode => '0644',
     owner => 1001,
     group => 1000,

but if I have 500 templates, I would have to write 500 files which is against puppet thinking, is there a way to write a loop to read all template files under my_module/templates/
then just loop to create the files with the same naming standard?

Use a "define" for this: https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/4.2/reference/lang_defined_types.html

To sketch a solution:

define rac_script($home, $source) {
    file { "${home}/${name}.sh:
        content => template("${source}/${name}.sh.erb",

rac_script {
    [ 'create_pre_rac_setup', 'run_this_rac', ... ]:
        home => "$dbnamehome/dbs/create_$dbname",
        source => $module_name,

This would still need a list of all the scripts to deploy, but you can use e.g. https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-stdlib/#get_module_path and https://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/function.html#generate to create that list dynamically with a small script on the master, or create a custom function to do so in ruby.

Cheers, D.

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