On 05/01/2015 12:31 PM, Tim Dunphy wrote:

That produces the following crons in my crontab:

# Puppet Name: chmod-files
* 0 * * * /bin/find /var/www -type f -exec chmod -v 664 {} \;
# Puppet Name: apache-chown
* 0 * * * /bin/chown -R apache:ftpgroup /var/www
# Puppet Name: chmod-directories
* 0 * * * /bin/find /var/www -type d -exec chmod -v 775 {} \;

If I read my cron correctly that should run only once every midnight.

So two questions: am I reading this cron correctly ? That it is supposed to run once a day at midnight?

This isn't really a Puppet problem, but regardless:

Those cron entries are for "every minute during the zeroth hour". So at 00:00 it will run, then at 00:01, then 00:02, and so on all the way to 00:59, then will stop until 00:00 the next day. Therefore, if the chmod/chown processes take more than 1 minute to run, they will stack up during that period of time.

The entry you want is "0 0 * * *" -- that will run exactly once, at 00:00 each day. In your manifest, you can express this with "hour => 0, minute => 0,".

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