Hey guys,

 Ok, so I've run into a situation where I setup some cron jobs via puppet
that do chown's and chmod's to make sure the web directory is owned by the
web server and that the contents have the right permissions.

The idea was to have the developer push their code via subversion and then
have their changes automatically take place on the web every few minutes.

I have another cron setup to do an svn up in the web root at regular
intervals to do that. That's never given me any issue.

But for some reason these cron jobs are spiking the load:

Here they are:

cron { "apache-chown":
          command => "/bin/chown -R apache:ftpgroup /var/www",
          user    => 'root',
          hour    => 0,
          minute  => '*'

  cron { "chmod-files":
          command => "/bin/find /var/www -type f -exec chmod -v 664 {} \;",
          user    => 'root',
          hour    => 0,
          minute  => '*'

   cron { "chmod-directories":
          command => "/bin/find /var/www -type d -exec chmod -v 775 {} \;",
          user    => 'root',
          hour    => 0,
          minute  => '*'

That produces the following crons in my crontab:

# Puppet Name: chmod-files
* 0 * * * /bin/find /var/www -type f -exec chmod -v 664 {} \;
# Puppet Name: apache-chown
* 0 * * * /bin/chown -R apache:ftpgroup /var/www
# Puppet Name: chmod-directories
* 0 * * * /bin/find /var/www -type d -exec chmod -v 775 {} \;

And what I've noticed is that the host can be fine for several days. And
then become really slow to respond. And start throwing nagios alerts for
load. And when you log into the box you can see load as high as 70-80% !!!

Sometimes the host becomes so unresponsive due to the load that you'll have
to reboot it just you can log into the host!

And investigating with top and ps you find that it's THESE cron jobs that
are causing the issue.

What'll happen is that you will see like 30 or 40 or more chmod and chown
jobs all running at the same time and spiking the load.

And when you kill the jobs load returns to normal.

If I read my cron correctly that should run only once every midnight.

So two questions: am I reading this cron correctly ? That it is supposed to
run once a day at midnight?

And does anybody have any ideas at all why all these chown and chmod
commands would keep stacking up and spiking the load??


GPG me!!

gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F186197B

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